OKAY we didn't want this to get drowned in moving happiness, so separate post! Anyway, so after much calculating and recounting and going MAAAATTTTH, we have decided on what we hope is the best and more fair way to handle the donations. Here is a quick rundown on how we calculated everything.
• Paid time only/a la carte icons: Converted to money spent.
• Paid time + 1 icon package: Converted to the equivalent time on DW.
• Paid time + multiple icon packages: Converted to the equivalent of paid time on DW for the paid + first package, with additional packages being added at 10 points($1)/ea a month, which is their cost on LJ.
And with that, I am happy to say that our donation drive is officially LIVE.
As you can see, we are already only 670 points away from reaching our goal! This is really impressive considering the drive wasn't even officially started, you guys are the best. Details on how to send us points can be found
here. If you wish to do tasks in exchange for points (making icons, layouts, translations, etc.) please feel free to use this post to make your offers! Once we hit our goal, we will put another post up announcing it with some exploding graphics or something fancy!!
OH MY GOD GUYS IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN LIKE TWENTY MINUTES AND WOW OKAY. Fastest drive in the world. Anyway, we have definitely reached our goal now. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE. ♥ All excess points will be going to paid account lotteries run by the moderating team, so nothing will go to waste and all of it will be spent on our lovely playerbase. We will post more details on those when... they happen. BUT AGAIN: THANK YOU. You are all speedy and miracles and beautiful and gosh!!
I will be emailing the people who are receiving donations with their specific totals in a bit. If you have any questions regarding this, please feel to ask them either in this post or in email. Thank you to everyone who has donated already, and a premature thanks to whoever is planning to. You have all made this great. ♥