Nov 30, 2011 14:08
Helllooooo Campers! I was just thinking to myself, "You know what would be funny...?" and then this idea came into my head and I DECIDED TO POST TO CFO ABOUT IT because I'm not sure how well received it would be/how complicated it would be/etc etc!
We have Internet in CFUD, right? So why not a board on the CFUD forum for... RP? RP YOUR CHARACTERS RPING ONLINE. Some characters would have Mary-Sues, some characters would have godmode characters, some would have normal people and so on and so forth! KINDA LIKE WHAT WE DO HERE BUT MORE SO because what else does Camp need but more fourth wall breaking madness?
ANYWAY YEAH basically my idea is rpception, let's rp our characters rping their characters. :'|
G-gosh I hope I did this right...!
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event planning