It's Last Exile time!

Nov 23, 2011 18:36

Do you like steampunk, amazing aerial shots and lots of flying, awesome characters and a fantastic action and drama-packed story? Then you should be watching Last Exile like forever ago! Especially because the sequel, Fam, The Silver Wing just started so you can catch up and squeal with me. There's even a new manga out for the first series with a brand new series-connecting story! And of course then you can totally app, too, because there's a ton of people to choose from.



Making this as short, sweet and un-spoileriffic as possible, Last Exile starts out on a world known as Prester, where two nations, Anatoray and Disith are at war. But the war is hardly the only thing at play there. Between the sky separating both nations is a turbulent, dangerous storm known as the Grand Stream. And the Guild, who run and govern the world, set the rules and basically own both sides' engines, having the ability to decide HEY you're being a dick so I'll take that engine back. While you're in mid air. The Guild isn't exactly the most loved organization on the block, but due to their power and hold on everyone, nobody can really stand up to them.

Except for the rogue ship known as the Silvana. Two vanship pilots end up on a mission to deliver a mysterious girl to the notorious "Kill'em All" Silvana, and get caught up in THEIR mission to take down the Guild and its crazy oppressing leader, Delphine Eraclea. As well as find something called Exile - an item shrouded in myths and mysteries. What adventures await? Well you have to watch the canon and find out. \o\

Two years later, Fam, The Silver Wing brings us to Earth, where the Ades Federation is on the move to either crush those who oppose them, or force weaker nations to submit to them, because they're not happy at the fact that people from Presters are returning to the planet. A group of Sky Pirates, made up of refugees and runaways who escaped Ades' clutches, get caught up in Ades' crushing of the Kingdom of Turan.

When the Sky Pirates meet with the "Reaper Ship" Silvius, they embark on a mission to put their Sky Pirate skills to use and begin to capture Ades battleships in order to hold their own against them and revive Turan. How will it end? Well the series is still airing so catch up to watch it as it happens!

The series also has some amazing music, OPs, EDs and BGMS. Have some samples!

Buddy, by Maaya Sakamoto, Fam's OP which I still can't stop listening to.
A New World Has Come, one of my favorite BGMs
Lost Friend, another favorite BGM and it's a theme for something that is ALL OF THE ADORASADTEARS.
Head In the Clouds, another really good BGM.
Starboard, by Hitomi Kuroishi, Fam's ED
Cloud Age Symphony, by Shuntaro Okino, the first series' OP
Over the Sky, by Hitomi Kuroishi, the first series' ED

And like I mentioned in my intro THIS is a cool AMV that showcases a lot of why this series is worth a go.

Now onto the character pimping! All of these characters would be fabulous in camp as well. Here are some of your choices! (APP THEM) As Fam is still airing, some characters already have a load of great development, but there are still some that still have yet to shine a little more. But I tossed them into this post anyway BECAUSE I CAN.


Protagonist of the first series! Skilled pilot and brave guy who rescues lolis. Determined and stubborn but a bit of a woobie derp as well. Left with basically nothing Claus struggles to live out his dream to cross the Grand Stream like his father once tried to do, starting out as a delivery boy and ending up smack-dab in the middle of the story. Dio calls him Immelmann and basically stalks him onto the Silvana, so obviously you should all app Claus so I can touch you and drape on you and gay at you endlessly ICly. Claus is also pretty much irresistible to the ladies, come to camp, start a harem. You'll also get an awesome vanship to fly around~


Claus' childhood friend and navigator. A little more wary than Claus when it comes to dangerous situations, but is ever the loyal navi and sticks with him to the end. Passionate and as determined as Claus, she's not afraid to start yelling when yelling needs to happen to put bitches in their place. She's caring and also wishes to cross the Grand Stream like her father once tried to do, and she lives with Claus after they lose their parents and house. Despite the tough situation, Lavie is sure that one day there'll be peace and she'll be able to fly in peaceful skies again. Come to camp so you can adopt all of the children and also facepalm at Dio ICly for being Dio.


Fam is the protagonist of Fam, the Silver Wing (DUH), and a Sky Pirate. Found as a child by the Sky Pirates when her parents were in an accident, she was raised by them and cares for them and their ideals deeply. Fam's dream is for peace, and thus a second Grand Race -- a race to celebrate there not being war. To obtain this dream Fam helps an exiled princess fight against the oppressive Ades Federation. Fam is a skilled Sky Pirate and super enthusiastic about her job. She's cheery and friendly, but can be loud and brash and sometimes sleepwalks off of ships, so she has to wear a cable around her ankle when she sleeps. She's a great crutch for anybody in need, able to speak and give them strength. App Fam so she can yell at Dio some more for being the laziest Sky Pirate.


Fam's navigator and friend from childhood who's more a sister, as it was her family that raised Fam. Part of the Sky Pirates because like many, they were driven from their homes from Ades, Giselle (called Gisey by Fam), as the oldest sibling, takes to the sky to begin their mission of capturing battleships. Giselle is softspoken and occasionally awkward, easily flustered and exceedingly kind. But don't let that fool you, because she's a genius when it comes to battleships. Giselle knows the layouts to pretty much all of the battleships they set out to capture, having great memory and a skill to locate and pinpoint weak points and best ways of entry/infiltration. She can even sketch out a layout of a ship based on a silhouetted image.


SO GUESS WHO TARA WANTS MORE THAN AIR. THIS GUY. This is Dio's 'servant' only he's totally not and Dio is like YOU'RE MY FRIEND. Lucciola's is Dio's other half/partner in crime/co-pilot and unlike Dio, Lucciola is very calm and not derpy but ever so loyal and awesome. He is a killer martial artist and the best bodyguard ever and when Dio goes WE'RE GONNA GO STALK THIS GUY Lucciola is just like okay. Just watch this 8 second clip to see why I fucking need him in my camplife. And if you want more of their adorable watch this quick scene as well as OH NO TINY ADORABLE CHILDREN WHO ARE SAD AND CUTE. App him to camp and ... have all of the emotions with me OOCly while ICly all of the adorable and sad and happy and yay occur. Seriously APP HIM or I will never shut up!!1! I want one so much you guys oh gosh aaaaaaaaaahhh.


Alvis is the mysterious 'cargo' to be delivered to the Kill'em All Silvana for REASONS. What the big mystery around this girl is unknown, but when you read certain poems to her she lights up and shit starts freaking out. Al is tiny and quiet but slowly blossoms into a brave girl. She opens up easily to those she trusts, and is friendly and caring, throwing surprise birthdays for emo kids (Dio) and helping out on the ship when she can. App Al to be adorable and also so you can carry around the cutest goat doll ever.


Millia is the younger of the two princesses of the crushed Turan. From a princess to having virtually nothing, Millis stays as brave as she can, ever hopeful to rescue her sister and revive the kingdom of Turan. She stays with the Sky Pirates, on a mission to steal battleships from Ades in order to face off against them. She has her down moments, but from such a fall she recovers herself admirably and never loses hope that so long as she and her sister live, their kingdom will never truly die. She's brave and can be brash, but is gentle and caring and passionate in her beliefs. App Millia and stay away from Dio's vanship's backseat controls so he doesn't yell and get emo again.


Tatiana starts as a lieutenant on the Silvana, their most skilled vanship pilot. Tatiana has a semi-stony, hard-to-approach appearance, but that's only because she's a perfectionist who strives to be the best and doesn't fool around like those silly fools. Prove yourself to her and she'll warm up to you, because she's really not as bad as she might come off at first. Tatiana gets a promotion of sorts in the sequel and remains the super amazing badass that she is, preparing to fight against the Ades Federation. App Tatiana and :| at Dio guys. And also get an awesome red vanship with you.


Tatiana's navi and second-in-command, Alister is Tatiana's balance point. Kind and sympathetic to others, she reaches out a lot more easier than her partner. Alis is there to give you advice on hard-to-deal-with partners and help cushion any tough situation Tatiana throws at you. But Alis is also Tatiana's partner because she, too, strives for perfection and to be the best she can be. App Alis and make all of the adorable female friends to coddle and bond with!


The man himself, captain of the Kill'em all Silvana and eternal rival of the Guild's psychopathic leader. You are in love with Alex Row, you just don't know it yet. Alex takes on the whole Guild and doesn't afraid of anything. A man with a plan for revenge, Alex is cool and aloof and mysterious with an even more mysterious past. Always calm and collected, Alex is great captain, an amazing shooter and a total badass. While sometimes distant, he clearly loves his crew and does what he can to keep the Silvana safe. App him and be sexy with your dramatically flapping cape and dark hair and eyes oooh mister Alex ooooooh.


First officer of the Silvana and Alex's most devoted crewmember. As such, she's great at being stern and giving commander in the heat of the moment, but Sophia is a caring woman who is on friendly terms with the rest of the crew. She has a few secrets as well, but they're not really bad ones, as she'd never turn against Alex or the ship. She's a woman with a lot of power (in more than one way) who does her best to use it wisely.


The most adorable brave puppyderp you will ever see. But considering we had an amazing and perfect Mullin in camp, you all probably know of his amazingness. Mullin is a lucky rifleman who survived many a battle, and joins the Silvana as a mechanic for a while. But the urge to be a rifleman is strong with him, despite his hard attempt to mechanic all over the place. Mullin is kindhearted and friendly, and gets crushes very very easily (much to his dismay in the end, in many cases).


A musketeer who befriends Mullin when former enemies begin to unite to take a stand against the Guild. Dunya is a sweet girl who doesn't really want to fight, but wishes to keep her family and her people safe. So she tries her best and isn't afraid to rush into battle alongside her comrades.


I just wanted to use that first image okay. Delphine is Dio's older sister and Maestro of the Guild. Basically this is the big bad bitch who's going to fuck all of your shit up and enjoy herself thoroughly. The wiki uses cool words to describe her: decadent aristocrat, callous and ruthless, arrogant and a sadist. Delphine even killed her own father to ensure her rule of the Guild and the world who obeyed its leader. BASICALLY GURL IS CRAZY and isn't very good at making friends. App her and everyone will flip a shit (ESPECIALLY DIO but um if anyone would actually ... app her. We should talk because. HA HA YES stuff and more stuff that may be revealed in Fam/the new manga that idk about yet).


Leader of the Ades Federation's military front, so far Luscinia is a load of fun. Where fun means crazy. Tormented by a past that has yet to be revealed, Luscinia doesn't believe the people returning to Earth have as right to, and moves to either take them out and force them to obey Ades' loli leader (who he does appear to have a genuine soft spot for). Luscinia goes to drastic measures to keep his enemies oppressed and down, going so far as slaughtering people under an unconfirmed pretense. He holds one of the Turanian princesses captive, and sometimes watches her while she sleeps so he should start sparkling any day now.


Loli empress of the Ades Federation, as her mother, who many loved and looked up to, died in what is probably a crazy to be revealed shocking revelation thing. Looking to be an empress just as loved by the people as her mother, Sara knows that she has a long way to go, but does her best to ensure that her people are well taken care of and at peace.


Vincent is Andy Waltfeld's (from Gundam SEED) long lost AU twin brother, pretty much. A friend to Alex, Vincent is loyal to Anatoray and captain of his own big badass battleship, and stands up strongly when the world unites to take on the Guild. Vincent loves him some coffee, and is a generally upbeat cheery guy who isn't afraid to sit back with a cup and discuss the more serious, sinister happenings at hand.

clockwise starting from the bottom

The amazing perfect hilarious Silvana mechanic crew. Godwin is a badass who is like a teddybear and will shed single manly tears during touching moments. Gale has a crush on Claus and eyerakes him and will smash you with a crowbar. Kostabi is a cool collected guy who is trained in kicking ass, and Ethan is a newb until Mullin joins then, and then is eternally happy he is not the newb anymore. The mechanics are so great you guys oh man.


Teddy is Millia's timid, nervous little butler boy who just tries to do the best he can for the princess!! With Millia and the Sky Pirates, Teddy puts his work in to help their new allies out, making tea and helping with food as is his specialty. Still, he stays loyal to Millia and follows the path she takes, even if he's a tiny little thing who gets unsure about it. App Teddy and be the most adorable.


Older princess of the now crushed Turan kingdom, and captive of Ades. Liliana is the key to activating one of the Exiles featured in the series. Liliana is not as outspoken or brash as he younger sister, taking on a more graceful and peaceful attitude to those around her. Her past is intertwined with Luscinia's, part of the reason he decided to take her captive.


A Baroness in Ades, though it's hinted that she might not be happy with the Federations actions, having no problem whatsoever when she loses her battleship to Fam and Millia. This may be because she was part of a nation that was taken over by Ades. She's a gambler and has either traps or reverse traps as her servants; as she puts it, she 'loves having cute boys work for her'.


Luscinia's bitch, and intelligence agent in Ades. Not much is known about him just yet, but he follows Luscinia without question, regardless of how dirty his hands get. Also stares dramatically evil at Dio from a distance at one part.


Clockwise from the bottom: Sadri, the oldest and most experienced general, and a great tactician. Kayvan, big and strong and stern, but has a soft spot for Sara. Sorush, one of the more cheery flirty generals who excels in speed and pursuit and surprise tactics. Orang, Sorush's close friend and more mellow, level-headed of the two. Vasant, once a part of a nation that opposed Ades, now loyal toward them and stays close to Sara, guarding the capital. All five of these guys don't have much development, but as recently revealed with Vasant, that could very well change soon.

Now get to watching this super amazing series it's all right here! And then app from it. WHETHER YOU EVEN APP OR NOT THOUGH I made an IRC channel for anyone who might watch the whole series for the first time, or for anyone who's currently following Fam or the new Travelers From the Hourglass manga and wants to ramble about the new releases. It's #grandstream on our IRC network. Come join me please I just made it I'm so ronery!!

pimping, canon pimping, canon whoring, app them now

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