1) The virus is dead, long live the virus. you guys will still get viruses, no worries, just not the fluffy ones that make hearts at Yuki and form giant dinosaurs. Things are gettin' crazy around camp! There will be both OOC and IC write-ups on what is going on at some point this week (IC is coming tomorrow - look for it!). Definitely before Thursday, August 25th, because that kicks off . . .
2) . . . our very first Fourth Wall Event, from August 25th through August 29th. For the uninitiated, a fourth wall event (at least, in our case) is like a giant RP open house where anyone and everyone is invited in to play, from characters from other games to characters someone's just picked up in a musebox to even dropped characters from this game. This is all important information! We are not cutting it.
The jist is! That due to all of the
chaos over this past weekend and coming week and whatnot, on Thursday, August 25th, stuff will happen and pretty much draw in people from all over - parallel universes and whatnot. Because this is a massive event and we are a big game, there are, needless to say, a bunch of stipulations we have to make this work out for everyone.
- This event is opt-in. Characters that are not in the game are only allowed to tag posts that opt in to the event. To avoid confusion and the like, only characters currently in the game can post to
campfuckudie! Seeing as such, if you post over that weekend, please put a note like "[FOURTH WALL DICKERY WELCOME!]" or what have you! We will always try to have a noobspeaker/chorus/soleil post up that's open for the event. If you comment to a post that opts in to the event, keep in mind that you are opening yourself up to being jumped!
What does this mean for people who do not want to participate in this? To you guys, camp will simply seem much more crowded and wonky, but whatever. Please feel free to post as you'd like and do not feel like you have to opt in to this event! There will also be plot posts after the event, so you do not have to opt in to this event to participate in the camp plot. the odds of us doing any camp plot this weekend are slim, okay, it's all about having fun. Talk with people! And whatnot.
- All mod hands will be on deck. If you have an issue at any point during this event, you can PM us if you feel that would be faster than e-mail. If a comment needs freezing or deleting, we can do that! If you have concerns, come to us! Let us help you!
Here is how we can be contacted quickly: Juri (IRC as Jesse/Elijah, e-mail: robert.haydn at gmail), Sian (IRC as Sian, e-mail: tenuously at googlemail), Boatmom (IRC as Niche/NicoRobin/EmaSkye/just ping her, e-mail: bloombloomheart at gmail), Magda (IRC as HannaCross/Luffy, e-mail: kung.fu.radio at gmail), Terra (e-mail: nekokoban at gmail), Devit (IRC as Devit, e-mail: monkeypop at gmail).
- The rules are still in place. Sorry dudes, sex is still banned. ): Like vacations and Christmas letters, however, you can receive gifts from home from people! As long as they're within reason. A sweater from your nana?
Aces. A giant war machine? Not so much.
- There are (probably) going to be duplicates! And that's cool. Parallel universes, guys! Remember that this event is for fun and not a critique of someone else's playing. If there are any issues, please take it to HMDs or e-mail
if you need to. If anything occurs that makes you uncomfortable, contact the mod team!
- Former players/characters are absolutely welcome! Memories can be kept intact if you'd like. However, like the Christmas card posts, if you have a character that has been reapped by another player, please discuss how you want to handle this with the other player. Be respectful!
- Be chill, guys. A big concern we had about this event was that our app system hinges on anonymity. Obviously, someone may test drive a character and decide that they want to app them here! And that's fine. Just be smart about it, please, especially since we have an app round on September 2nd. If you do app a character that you fiddle with during this event, please don't . . . reference the event in the app. PLEASE ATTEMPT SUBTLETY!
We have a post up in
cfud_scrapbook here related to the event, for all visitors with essential information regarding it and camp itself. If you guys would like to, please hit that entry up and add in anything we may have forgotten that a visitor might want to know, so we can make it a nice easy visitor reference! And then it can be linked all around. Pimp it to your friends! And stuff. ♥
We've wanted to do an event like this for awhile and we are super excited about it, so we hope this all goes smoothly! If you have any questions, concerns, or what have you, please don't hesitate to contact us because we are here for youuuu.
3) We're now at
11 million comments. That's an average of a little less than two million comments per year. You guys are insane and we love you. \:D/ ♥
4) Our infinite love and affection goes to Michi for drawing fabulous stuff and Jibba for coloring in
ACTION HERO NOOBSPEAKER. Infinite love and affection.