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Aug 03, 2011 20:47

GUYS I TOLD CLAIRE I WOULD BE AWESOME AND PIMP ALL THE BACCANO! CHARACTERS. So since LJ loves me again, this is me doing just that. Despite the fact that it’s only 16 episodes long, this series has a ton of characters and it is completely insane. There’s lots of blood from people getting cut up and lots of comedy from people doing dumb things, and even some touching romance! So there’s something for everyone.

Keith, Berga and Luck Gandor are all Claire Stanfield’s bros. He would shank a bitch for them. (I’m pretty sure that’s what his job entails, but that just means I’m right.) They’re not really suited to the mafia life (oh yeah they’re mafia, like 90% of the characters in Baccano!) and play cards more than they do mafia things. But they’re all still very badass mafia guys when they want to be.    
-Keith is the oldest and acts as the boss; he’s always making a scowly face and doesn’t like to talk. He’s kind of old-fashioned and is big on justice being served-well, mafia justice, I guess. He’s somewhere around counselor age. 
-Berga is the second in command guy, and since he’s the biggest he gets to inspire fear in those who oppose the Gandor family. I don’t think he’s very smart, but you probably don’t need to be when you can just stand there and make guys pee themselves.
-Luck is the youngest at like, 20? So he’s a camper! He’s also really smart and calculative and always coming up with a plan of action. He’s not super into the mafia thing, but he loves his family so he does it for them. He’s super polite no matter who he’s talking to and always has a smiley face. But he’s actually a pretty ruthless person. He’s old friends with Firo, so even though they’re not in the same mafia family they are still bros.

Isaac Dian and Miria Harvent are a pair of eccentric thieves that provide comedic relief to the blood and gore of the series. Isaac is the mastermind behind most of their ridiculous schemes and Miria parrots him despite the fact that she usually doesn’t understand what’s going on. They like wearing ridiculous costumes when committing crimes, and do things like stealing watches to steal time and stealing an entrance to prevent people from entering a building. They are kind of really stupid all of the time-for instance, they accidentally immortality and it takes them close to 100 years to notice. But they make up for this with their affection for the people they meet and their painful optimism. Also they steal Ennis a little brother, which was probably one of the cutest things about the series besides Claire’s constant love confessions.

Firo Prochainezo is a part of the Martillo Camorra family and is super good at fighting. He loves his mafia family and when he is not shanking bitches for them he is being super fluffy and dere for his friends. I think he’s supposed to be 20 but he acts like he’s 12 and gets excited over things like dominos, it’s so cute. Also his accent is cool. He is bros with Luck Gandor and Claire Stanfield so you should app him so Claire can have a bro to be 1920’s with.

Maiza Avaro is one of the original immortals and is the bookkeeper of the Martillo Camorra family. He’s actually kind of against violence despite being a part of a mafia family. And he is always super smiley and is like Firo’s favorite uncle. I’m pretty sure he is one of the Good Adult Figures in the series.

Szilard Quates is the douchebag of the series. I forget what he does but they were clearly bad things because no one likes him and he’s ugly. People even describe him as evil! He wants the secret to immortality even though he’s already immortal, which doesn’t seem to make sense but you can do what you want when you’re an evil immortal maniac. He likes doing science things and making homunculi of himself so I guess he’s kind of like Jade. Oh, and he’s an alchemist and tries to remake the immortality elixir stuff that made him immortal in the first place.

Ennis is one of Szilard’s homunculi, and I’m still kind of confused by that because she’s a girl but whatever. I think he used his cells and the cells of some poor abducted girl to make Ennis. Further reasons why Szilard is a douche. At first she’s kind of stoic, but eventually she gets emotions. She kind of has dere for Firo but it takes her like 70 years to figure it out because emotions are confusing. Basically she is Firo’s wife and they’re cute together. Also Chez is kind of her little brother thanks to Isaac and Miria.

Jacuzzi Splot is the shyest, most polite gang leader you will ever meet. I don’t know how old he is but there’s no way he’s over 20 because he looks so tiny, so we’ll say he’s camper age. He freaks out at everything and stutters and doesn’t like attention at all. But when his friends are in danger he goes super sayan and gets courage and faces all the problems for them. He still cries a lot. Oh, and he likes Nice.

Nice Holystone is part of Jacuzzi’s gang and his resident explosive expert. She gets super excited about explosives, but is otherwise pretty mellow. It’s usually her job to try and cheer Jacuzzi up so he doesn’t become incapacitated crying in a corner. She’s also very nice to Chane which means Claire approves of her, probably.

Chane Laforet is Claire’s future wife as soon as she accepts his marriage proposals, and a badass knife fighter. She’s mute so she has to communicate with body language, written notes, and the occasional bit of telepathy for those psychics. She is super devoted to her papa and thinks he is the only person to ever love her. Eventually she falls in love with Claire, but at first she wanted to kill him. This is clearly the best recipe for love and Claire knows how to woo a girl.

Huey Laforet is Claire’s future father-in-law and also Chane’s papa. He’s one of the original immortals but he’s in jail for most of the series. He likes being a snooper and observing things while staying neutral, so I guess that makes jail the perfect place for him as long as he gets to know what’s going on. You should app him so Claire can meet him and gush at him over how beautiful his daughter is.

Eve Genoard is a super sweet little aristocrat with a quiet personality. She spends most of the series looking for her brother even though she knows he is a poopiehead. She doesn’t afraid of anything and goes directly against the mafia while searching for her brother, and even vows revenge when she thinks he’s dead.

Ladd Russo is this creepy sadistic hitman for the Chicago Russo mafia family. He gets so excited at the thought of violence that he dances in the blood of his fallen comrades. He’s good with firearms and just plain punching people in the face and expresses his love to his fiancé by promising to kill her slowly after he’s killed everyone else. Claire pushed him off a train and it was awesome.

Graham Specter is that one guy who likes to monologue and throw around his giant wrench. He is devoted to Ladd because Ladd punched his face in once, I think. He contradicts himself a lot and talks a lot and is generally a perplexing character to listen to. If I remember correctly, Claire beats him up a lot for kidnapping Chane.

Czeslaw Meyer, sometimes called Czes, is the tiniest little immortal who basically reminds me of a 1920’s Artemis Fowl. He has super sad backstory that makes him paranoid that other immortals are going to try and kill him, so he sets out to murder all the immortals. He gets jesused by Isaac, Miria, and Maiza, and somehow ends up as Ennis’s cute little brother. Claire killed him a lot this one time so now he’s terrified of Claire. App him and you can be a tiny shouta that is terrified of Claire.


Elmer C. Albatross is the man who charmed the pants off Satan (perhaps not literally, idk) and is always smiling. And he wants to put a smile on EVER FACE IN THE WORLD isn’t that the cutest thing ever, he’s adorable. That’s really all I can say about him. Plus his last name is Albatross, how awesome is that. And Huey is his boyfriend. App him so that you can be Claire’s gay father-in-law/uncle relation.

Rachel is a freelancer for the Daily Days. She loves trains a lot but is bitter towards the train industry and doesn’t pay her fares until Claire scares the shit out of her and then she does. And then later they have lunch together and he asks her for girl advice. She starts out as just an observer but later becomes more active with helping people because she is a good person and probably a bit tsundere. Or a lot tsundere.

Ronnie is a demon that was summoned and gives all of the first immortals the elixir that makes them immortal. Elmer tops him into becoming a human to stay by Maiza’s side since his brother died. This is not gay at all. Ronnie denies that he did it because Elmer asked, he was just curious okay. Those are the only things I remember about him but he’s a pretty cool guy and also a part of a mafia family. It was the Martillo’s, probably.

There are even more characters than this but these guys are obviously the coolest ones.

And now that you know about all of these amazing characters you should go watch the whole series! It’s only 13 episodes, 16 if you count the extra things at the end (which I do, they’re awesome and hilarious). You can find the English dubbed versions on Netflix and I am sure you can find it all over the internet if you use the power of Google or Bing or whatever people use. ALSO IF YOU ARE AMERICAN YOU CAN WATCH IT ON hulu and stuff. I am giving you plenty of time to watch the series and put together an app before Friday. NOW GO FORTH AND BRING CLAIRE STANFIELD ALL OF THE CASTMATES.

pimping, app them now

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