things that were going to happen.

Jul 29, 2011 08:52

So! LJ has magically revived just in time for the soirée. and hopefully it will continue to hold out, hahaha sob. We were going to do some posts throughout the week, but yeah about that. So instead, here is what is up.

1) There was going to be a post for formal wear! Where your character could get whatever and whatnot. You are welcome to handwave this and assume your character got something from somewhere, or that when they step into the tent for the event, poof! Formal wear appears. Camp provides! Handwaving! Stuff.

2) Matchmaking! It was going to happen. It is still going to happen, actually! If your character does not have a date to the event and you want to get one for them, comment to this post with a link to their comment in the event post and they will get matched up with someone. It will be an adventure. It is never too early or too late to do this - we'll be checking the post throughout the day! eta: PUTTING THIS ON HOLD FOR NOW, since LJ is extremely slow. If it picks up later, we'll revisit this!

As a heads up, expertism and theirduality are NPC accounts that we've made to keep things tidier in the fuckyousoleil account. On that note, fuckyousoleil now has a post detailing the carnival stuff and the fixtures that they have permanently added to camp; it'll be updated by us as we go! So when in doubt, check there. We also have a helpful guide to the NPCs! ORGANIZED CARNIVAL IS ORGANIZED.

And on a final note - I would love it if I could get a few volunteers to help me run, uh, something this evening (EST) for the event. ♥ Thank you to everyone who's volunteered to help so far! Tweaking it so everyone can thread and no one has to run stuff! Thanks again to everyone who was willing to help - it is super appreciated and you can bet I will be hitting you guys up in the future for something. :3

eta: Since Livejournal is pretty slow off and on and it's hard to load the post, go here and comment with links to your characters! If you have multiple characters out, try to stick to one comment just to help with loading and whatnot.

plotty plot plot

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