Mar 02, 2011 16:24
Hello camp! We have a few announcements regarding some policy changes.
1) After much discussion between the mod team, we've decided to implement a character cap. From this point forward, the character limit is twelve characters. Anyone who is over the limit right now is perfectly fine and we are not asking anyone to drop down to the cap. That would be silly! From here on, however, we will not approve anyone for thirteenths, fourteenths, and so on.
2) However! The round rule is no more. Given that we now have a character cap and the round rule has been confusing even us, we've decided to just toss it. If you apped a sixth before, you can app a seventh the following round and so on. We expect everyone to play their new characters, though, and we reserve the right to bring up concerns during activity requests.
Same rules apply: you only need to list your characters if you're apping a fifth, but a sixth or higher require links to 40 comments from the past month in the community, with one character allowed as a backburner and the backburner cannot be the last one you apped. So yes, if you apped the last two rounds and got a fifth or higher, you can app this round now!
3) Activity checks are now going to be monthly. Nothing will change about them! We're simply upping the frequency. As always, they will be at the beginning of the month and will be open for a week. Since it is, er, now March, we're going to start this next month. You'll get a reminder come the April check!
All of these have been edited into the rules accordingly. If there are any questions regarding this, please hit all of us (bizgotballs, monkeypop, nekokoban, robert.haydn, silver.duelist, and tenuously at gmail) up over e-mail!
modly announcements