I have no flashy gifs, or fancy videos, or well... Anything at all.
Dropping America, Rita, and Ezio.
Which means... I'm out. I'm sorry to all my castmates, for not talking to you about this in advance. But if I did, I'd lose my nerve or convince myself it was all a phase and that I'll get better when I have more time.
To Camp at large, thank you for all the good times. The 2 and a half years here have been a real treat and experience.
I'll do a drop post with all three later this week.
If I promised you a beta, I will still do it. Just hit me up at my gmail, intheaf. If you, for some unknown reason, would like to keep in touch, my journal is
Sorry, I couldn't go out with a funny post. I take myself way too seriously to send ya'll away laughing.
ETA: So, I just realized I'd always said when I dropped America, I was gone. Whoops, self-fulfilling prophecy.