Feb 23, 2010 22:39
Hey dudes! I'm dumb and have ...actually forgotten who my original helper elves were. Even though they were so much help I'M SO SORRY /o\ This'll teach me to keep my contacts more organised.
Er, so, I'm asking for volunteers (again)! Please comment with your email address (preferably gmail because I have gdocs and spreadsheets to share) if you're interested. If you helped before and would like to continue doing so, you're more than welcome to reapply. After all, it's my fault you even NEED to reapply. orz
Also, if possible, I need a new volunteer or volunteers to help me organise the DC/Marvel canons - that would be extremely helpful. 8(
Edit: BTW is there anyone familiar with web coding, specifically with forms and content management? I have an idea I'd like to try but it's beyond my capabilities right now. |D;
cfud is our drug