Heey camp! Here's Etna/Oswald bringing in my first SOCIALLY ADJUSTED character, Misaki Shiki! D-did somebody say combo-breaker? Seriously though, Shiki was probably the scariest app I have had since apping Etna... and I am soo glad that things turned out OK in the end. Thanks for the opportunity, everyone!
A special thanks to my betas who I probably owe more then my soul but I already gave that up for a slice of really good chocolate cake... Also stats and perms can be found
here and Shiki's concrit post is
Finally, because I have such a chic character. Serious Poll: On a scale of 0 to 4, how good is your character's fashion sense? BONUS: Tell me about your character's fashion nightmares.
Here's the scale:
0 - None, would wear a potato sack if they could find one
1 - Poor, probably wears clothes that seriously needs cleaning
2 - Average, can blend in the crowd pretty well
3 - Good, hey... you're looking pretty sharp there!
4 - Awesome, did somebody say fabulous?