Nov 30, 2007 14:40
If you see me online before 5:00 and I haven't finished my Judaism paper, please slap me like I'm Anthy, okay?
SERIOUS POLL: What's the worst thing your character(s) has/have ever done? Sleep with their best friend's lover? Steal the last cookie from the cookie jar? Mass murder? Wearing plaid and polka dots at the same time?
serious poll
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Comments 90
Suzaku killed his father.
Dot does not apply.
Asta: Made a bridge go splodey and killed a bunch of people.
Jr. saw an IMAGE OF THE FUTURE which was basically the planet the URTVs were sent in to war on going boom, with them on it - them CAUSING it. So Jr. cut his mental link which --> left all of his brothers and sisters vulnerable and they were all driven mad by the Song of Nephilim and killed each other. This also made Albedo go insane. 8D (even though he kills Albedo 14 years later anyway woot woot) And Gaignun came . close to death along the way as well. So he's responsible for letting all of them die and/or go insane and basically betraying them. ;.; All at the tender age of 12. \o\
Yzak blew up a shuttle of civilians trying to escape, thinking they were fleeing soldiers. BUT NOPE looky there Yzak THE LITTLE FLOWER GIRL WAS ON THAT!! 8D
Carlos uuuuh was in an anti-government guerrilla group before joining the UBCS? I dunno, the MOTIVATIONS AND CAUSES FOR SAID GROUP were never elaborated on BUT ODDS ARE HE KILLED SOME BITCHES EITHER WAY sadface this character gets no deep past elaboration.
Sano Well there was that time he faked being evil, but that was to save his candidates life and it was VERY ANGSTY AND SAD ;o; wankoooooo --Oh wait, worst thing is probably the time he REFUSED TO WORK WITH RINKO. IN THE MIDDLE OF AN IMPORTANT FIGHT. They made up and kicked ass later though so it was okay, b-but they bitched and fought for a while and got their asses kicked and all this while Mori is hanging from a branch like FIFTY FEET UP A CLIFF. Yeah that's a great time to argue guys.
Kaoru helped his brother VICIOUSLY CRUSH THE ROMANTIC HOPES OF SWEET YOUNG GIRLS. A-and I really mean vicious. They reduced girls who crushed on them to tears on a regular basis before Tamaki shoujo bitchslapped them.
Tohru . . . uh. . . . [spoiler?]Being angry at her father following his death because it made her mother depressed to the point that she forgot almost completely about Tohru for a while?[/spoiler] I DUNNO it's reasonable especially since she was like four or something b-but man I can't ( ... )
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