Re: Re: AAW

May 09, 2007 12:45

So in VERY IMPORTANT NEWS Aviy did infact manage to finish all seven critiques last night/this morning and still obtain a reasonable amount of sleep. SHE CAN NOW STOP PANICKING AND DO STUFF.

So!! Regarding Audience Appreciation Weekend, I've decided that the best is to have it on the 18-20th. Friday next week, through Sunday.

I APOLOGIZE PROFUSELY to those who aren't happy with this, but I can't satisfy everyone, and I think more people will miss it due to Acen than due to apps. Additionally, a lot of people think they will like having the distraction during apps. And... as far as the fact that the post is likely to get pushed down due to a busy posting weekend? I can't do much about that, but if it IS super busy, maybe the mods will allow me to make a linking post every day to remind people?

Please don't haet the Aviy, she does her best. IF You will be GONE that weekend for some reason, e-mail your requests to aviychan at gmail dot com and I will POST THEM FOR YOU. No one need be left out.

audience appreciation weekend

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