Okay so I'm finally getting around to writing this up, the next installment in the camp map project!
THIS time, I need people to tell me what NEW buildings need to be put on the map. You can take a look at the old maps
here to get an idea of what's already on the map, and also consult the list at the end of this post.
If there's a building or location that's NOT on the map and needs to be then please tell me:
- What it is
- Where it is
- Any unusual shapes/features that might stand out on the map
Check the maps in the post linked for ideas on the camp layout if you're describing a new building, you can also see the current main camp area
here to see more exactly what the cabin arrangements look like right now. Or if you like you can even just take the image and mark about where you want things, whatever. |D
Finally, if there's anything that needs to be changed with the current buildings, let me know!
EDIT: Oh yeah and ALSO people with stuff like underground labs and dungeons and such? Go ahead and describe the layout and entrances of those as well if you want!
ETA adding another list of stuff that's been mentioned to add and where it's supposed to be. If something's on the list and does NOT have a location listed and you know where it's supposed to be or the location's wrong then please let me know. Well, except for the regular cabins, I'll figure those out myself.
List of buildings/locations currently on the map:
Boys cabin 1
Boys cabin 2
Boys cabin 3 + shower attached to cabin
Boys cabin 4
Boys cabin 5
Boys cabin 6
Boys cabin 7
Boys cabin 8
Boys cabin 9
Boys cabin 10
Boys cabin 11
Boys cabin 12
Boys cabin 13
Boys cabin 14
Boys cabin 15 + addition
Boys cabin 16 + lost and found
Boys cabin 17 + addition, moat
Girls cabin 1
Girls cabin 2
Girls cabin 3
Girls cabin 4
Girls cabin 5
Girls cabin 6
Girls cabin 7
Girls cabin 8
Girls cabin 9
Arts and crafts hut
Camp store
Canoe hut
Medical hut
Mess hall
Showers (4)
Amestris dorms
Habe Linkin cabin
iCest cabin
ItaNeji cabin
Newlywed cabin + moat
Rue's cabin
Alex's tree (White oak?)
Circus tent
Inflatable bar
ZAFT base
Chimera springs
Duelist arena
Jusenkyo (cursed hotsprings)
Kurama's gardens
Tennis courts
Buildings/locations to be added:
Boys cabin 18
Boys cabin 19
Boys cabin 20
Girls cabin 10
Girls cabin 11 + additional rooms
Girls cabin 12
Girls cabin 13
Stone tablet (behind Boys 11)
Mechanic's workshop (by the igloo)
Canada (northwest of camp/beyond onsen)
Capsule house (
Yuuko's shop
Mafia cave (somewhere in the woods)
Yzak/Dearka cabin (somewhere around the rest the boys cabins)
Addition/front porch to boys 15
Namine's gingerbread house (east of boys 16)
Sora's cabin (woods beyond girls 6)
Firing range (adjacent to ZAFT base)
North pole (somewhere a bit beyond main camp area)
Mika's hate shack (somewhere in the woods)
Lazlo and Ted's shack (in the woods/near-ish the lake)
Greed's pimp cabin