Canon pimping!

Jan 02, 2007 01:17

NBC is surprisingly nice about taking advantage of the internet. All the Heroes episodes that have aired thus far are available online, streaming, at NBC's website, here. They're divided into six parts (except the first one appears to be three, whatever) with ads before each new part, but it's free and legal, so if your internet can take it, I suggest checking it out.

Also, if you're familiar with the show and haven't checked this out before, I suggest visiting Hiro's blog, which is adorkable. It's geekier than Hiro is in canon, I assume because they were worried about alienating people with too many references. The first entry, which is here, is spoiler-free and babbles about trying to beat FFXII :Db Although, be warned, it's accurate enough to be a little spoilery about some late-game battles. I wouldn't read too far if you don't want to get spoilered for Hiro's plots, and the stardates (yes, he uses stardates) are a little out of order because of time-travel stuff. But still an awesome thing!
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