The school conn which provides 90% of my Net access has now obtained some new network upgrades. One of which seems to be the magical ability to cut off any chat-program lines aaand access from external computers, e.g. my laptop. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? It means that IRC is closed off to me for an indefinite duration, plus no download ability at all.
On the plus side, school finishes in a couple of weeks so I can raid the guardian's connection, but until then waaargh.
ETA: ...well the conn's being funky and letting me on at odd times. D:
Memes for all three characters up on Athrun's LJ:
anon crit,
OOC impressions. More memes forthcoming as I write 'em up.
Athrun's paid account+icons died. Will sell body for account, etc. D:
Also, I owe Ryuuken 34563456 times more than this, but here's a crappy doodle for starters: