(no subject)

Jan 28, 2003 08:43

Okay, so Today Show has Robert Kennedy Jr. vs. Edward Kashman... on the topic of SUVs in America... Can I say that I hate SUVs? Good, because I hate them...

Kashman called the arguement against SUVs, "Hollywood elitism... it's people with limos criticizing the cars 'we' are drive".... The reason I get mad at this is because SUVs are fucking expensive. The only ones who own them are people who are up there a tax bracket or two above myself and most members of my generation who are having a swimming time finding jobs in this market... So, it pisses me off, because it's a car you have to be able to afford, and it's not a car which any American or "all" Americans have the choice to buy... Yet, if I get into an accident driving a car I can afford, it's likely that I die if I am hit by a person in an SUV than another person who couldn't afford one...

I'm not illustrating it well at this hour, but I'm pissed that some asshole who "wants to feel safe" and has more cash than me, can totally Darwin my ass out of existence even if he's too stupid to fucking learn to drive... and the kind of fuckwad who needs a car that big to boost his confidence is most likely the same type of asshole who can't get to whatever hairstylists or barbeque rib joint fast enough so he has to try to take my front end off...

And promoting SUVs as safe for your family, doesn't seem to pay any attention to the fact that it also adds to a tend which makes things more dangerous for people who don't share your opinion or can't afford your car... What's the auto-industry response? They say, "Then EVERYONE should drive BIGGER cars! and the government should ease standards so even passenger cars can be make larger, and thus, safer..." GREAT! Now we see the whole auto-industry plan... make huge cars, get lots of stupid people to by them, and then muscle the remaining hold outs to buy the car in order to accommodate the new risk your companies have strategically manufactured... that's right! The auto-industry has strategically manufactured a very real danger on our country's roads... Why? To give the people what they think they want? If they want it, why do you have to spend 15 billion advertising and marketing it? No. The reason these cars exist is to push the government into lower environmental restrictions so the auto-industry can create larger PASSENGER class vehicle, which will be YES, safer when considering the added risk of impact with SUVs, but these cars will, like SUVs, be more expensive to purchase...Auto makers want to sell bigger more expensive cars, and the rest of us, who can only afford smaller cars, are now at a greater risk of dying in them since more and more people are getting larger ones... The bigger this trend gets, the more dangerous it is for people who simply can't afford larger cars... So if you're poor, hope you like the added risk of dying.... Is it an American ideal to put your own safety ahead of the safer of the people around you? Yes. Yes it is... Think about it? The advantages that Americans have over the third world... How we don't even pay the "actual" price of gas, because of government kickbacks.... We're used to getting our own way, and the higher up it gets, the worse it is... And yes, SUV owners can shout all they want about the rich bitches who have more cash than half the planet telling them to ditch their 20 thousand dollar car... but will they listen to the people that THEY PUT AT RISK... the ones that don't have the cash that they do... So, what is that? Is that some kind of class-war, between the poor and the rich? And so the poor should just keep their mouth shut? Americans like me are too used to getting our own way... Only it's not really dog eat dog, now... it's dog eat smaller dog...

And I'm tired of getting chewed on by assholes a few rungs up the ladder on me simply because they're STUPID & have money they don't know what to do with... No, I don't believe that having an SUV promotes terrorists... I believe that it promotes an oil dependency which historically has benefited the top 2 percent of this country... And that Mr. Bush and company are going driving us into circumstances that will make us more dependant on oil when Iraq decides to torch their oil fields again... And I think SUVs contribute to the rising demand, because unlike what the auto people say is "possible"... the truth of the matter is that a large number of American are using SUVs as a primary vehicle for their household... This INCREASES CONSUMPTION OF OIL.... There's no way to talk around that... And yeah, you could go after air traffic, jet planes, whatever... but the fact is that SUVs are a luxury... and if people can't live without them or won't live without them on the brink of fucking war, then we deserve what we get... I hate to say it, but it's a damn shameful statement on people in this country if we can't grow out of this, realize that it's not worth it... and no, I don't want their to be laws against owning them... I don't want to have to tell anyone to buy a more energy efficient vehicle... I want people to think about it, think about other people, and then make an intelligent choice... "because I want one" is not a good fucking reason... and it's people who can be so easily programmed who will damn us all... and do you think the people who are doing the programming are smart enough to be providing for us? Someone has to do the labor right? Well, you're wrong, because they're not thinking about us, our future.... No. Why would the top 2 percent keep requiring new tax break and incentives? If they're smart enough, giants of industry, can't they make progress on their own? Can they achieve anything through production and quality and drive rather than polotics and marketing? No. They're not the warrior industrialists we'd all like to think still exist... They're whimpering little bitches with their father's money, who's only intellect comes in these underhanded tactics, population manipulation, mass marketing... fuck it... I'm too tired to discuss this...

But I'm annoyed, and since I don't have money... no one will listen, and if I did have money, few people would listen because too much money is bad and not much money makes you inconsequential... back to the hole... and it's funny because no matter how bad it actually gets, you're still better off in this country when it comes to basic food, clothing, and shelter... sometimes, I really do think that freewill is just something you should postpone... that it's unrealistic to think you're born into a world you could possibly change significantly without sacrificing your own happiness... and you have to look at the world and ask yourself if it's worth your energy and time, do you love the world enough to work hard, to think hard, to bare the truth, and spread it, to make the crucial impact, to not go home... to live a life that is in separable from a painful uphill struggle against forces you could never conquer alone... do you also have the faith in your fellow man to do the right thing... I don't think I do... So, I'm going to do my part and shut up for the moment...

Until I bitch again or come back with torches and an axe..
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