Name and meaning:
"The boy's name David \d(a)-vid\ is pronounced DAY-vid. It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "beloved". Biblical: one of the most remarkable personalities in the Scriptures. David was a shepherd, musician, poet, soldier, statesman, prophet, and king. He wrote about half of the Psalms and very likely composed music for them as well. He is the only David mentioned in the Bible; his name occurs there more than a thousand times. Today there are variants of the name in almost every language group. Saint David (sixth century) is the patron saint of Wales. In Scotland, David was a royal name."
Age and date of birth:
36, June 12.
Physical attributes: (Elaborate on everything, from hair style to muscle tone to the their eyelid's tendency to flicker up and down during a boring teacher's lessons. Twitch.)
Snake is fairly stocky, not quite 6' tall, but muscular enough. He manages to keep his body frame unimposing enough because of the need in his line of work to be fast on his feet. His hair basically looks like someone cut it short a long time ago and he just let it grow out. His bangs have the tendency to droop into his eyes when they're not pulled back by a headband. He rarely lets his eyes open all the way, and generally looks pretty unenthusiastic about everything. His nervous tick is scratching the bit of scar that sticks out from under his eye patch.
Distinguishing features: (Anything unusual-scars, tattoos, etc. Or an unusual color of hair. What makes your character an individual? Please do not say violet-coloured eyes.)
Probably his eyepatch, and the scar it covers.
Frequently used verbal expressions: (Either phrases “unbelievably pretentious!” or attitude.)
Snake's voice is pretty full of sarcasm most of the time, and it kind of hurts to listen to. It's unclear if his voice is naturally that gruff and scratchy, or if it's mostly the smoking. He says "huh." a lot. When addressing others, he usually pauses after first engaging, waiting to make sure the other is listening before he continues. He doesn't have a lot to say, but when he does, it's usually pretty important.
Frequently used facial expression or other physical gesture: (They motion with their hands while they talk, never look people in the eye while giving speeches, tap their pens while listening to professors.)
His eyes are kind of shifty. They dart around a lot. But he's made a habit of staring someone down when talking to them, and can turn up the intensity when he wants to get something out of someone else. He is always smoking. Always. When he's concentrating, he used to pout, and to keep himself from doing that, now he bites his lip really hard.
Education (and grade): (Please elaborate on education prior to, during, and after school, including their level of interest in their subject of choice (or as chosen by another) and their general academic behaviour. Did they attend primary schools? Home tutoring? Somehow, they managed to read and pick up other basic skills, right?)
His education was probably pretty fragmented, as his whole childhood was spent in different foster homes. He ended up teaching himself a great deal.
Academic skills: (Classes they excel at, whether or not essays are the thing for them, neat handwriting, attentive listening-how they manage to pass their classes or career.)
He's eloquent enough, and can pick up foreign languages in no time at all. He also knows a lot about history, and other social sciences. His other favorite subject in school was biology.
Academic weaknesses: (And everything they manage to do to fail.)
He was never really bad at anything, things were easy to figure out once he sat down and looked at it long enough. He's secretly a genius, but don't tell anyone.
Main goal (dream) at this point in time: (Their main goal or dream is likely to change over time. How does it reflect their character? What hidden aspects are there to it? Elaborate.)
It's become quite important for him to protect all those that he cares about. There are certain organizations who he still needs to take down.
Secondary goals: (Like before, but smaller things that are somewhere in the spectrum, but not at the top of the list.)
Getting rid of FOXDIE would be nice.
Love interest: (One hopes this will change over time. What draws them to this person? Is there a common characteristic in all those they adore? What types of relationships are they involved in?)
Samus. Smart, beautiful, and dangerous. Pinch him, he must be dreaming.
Family: (At least 100 words on each character should cover occupation, family history, how family members met (your character's parents), and a basic personality description.)
Daddy: Big Boss was the previous Snake, and is basically a big son of a bitch in this Snake's mind. He hates the fact that he's a clone of the man who betrayed him. Not much else to say on this subject.
Mommy: EVA, technically. He doesn't know it yet. Mom and Dad met in one of Naked Snake's missions, where they shared the same kind of raw connection that Solid Snake and Samus are sharing right now. EVA works at the school now, and has not yet traded words with her "son".
Twin Brother: Liquid Snake is the beloved brother, who's biggest goal in life is his twin's head on a stake.
Little Brother: Solidus Snake is out there, being the president, but Solid doesn't know of their relation yet.
Place of residence (city, house, etc.): (Where does your character live?)
He lives in a teacher's dorm, between Bowser and Xatu.
Worst past experience: (Please remember that experiences are not limited to relationships--early/childhood experiences would be best, unless something that happened to your character as an adult has had a more significant impact.)
Anything having to do with his family, his past 4 missions have basically been big fat nightmares. Memories of Grey Fox are usually pushed to the back of his head. He also kind of ended up hating the way the New Pork City infiltration worked out.
Best past experience: (Please remember that experiences are not limited to relationships--early/childhood experiences would be best.)
Rescuing Otacon turned out to be a pretty good move. Meeting Samus that night in the hallway is looked upon happily, as well.
Hobbies: (All interests.)
Smoking. Dog racing.
Profession (aspired to): (What does your character want to be when they grow up? Or, if they're already an adult, what do they wish they were doing?)
He has no idea what he's doing right now, but is just kind of rolling with it.
Strengths: (Try and keep the number small-weaknesses are more important.)
Very smart. Charismatic. Keeps a level head a majority of the time.
Weaknesses: (More important for role playing-please include several at least.)
He can be kind of a dick sometimes. Keeps to himself. Doesn't always know how to deal with emotional crap. Procrastinates. And then there's the whole thing where he feels no remorse after killing someone. He's a little nervous about that, you know.
Any other information: (Basically an “other” category.)
His eyes are grey. He's sterile. He's straight.
Possessions: (Details as well. What your character owns and what quality it is in.)
WEAPONS. Guns, grenades, rocket launchers, and some assorted knives, although he doesn't use them very often. He has a collection of headbands, and assorted cardboard boxes. He's got a bunch of holsters for when he's wearing his stealth suit. Open his cabinet and you'll most likely just find a few cartons of cigarettes. Open the fridge and it's all booze. He takes good care of himself.
Wardrobe: (What your character wears and its condition. This should reflect their social status, financial situation, social involvement, etc.)
He wears a wrinkled white dress shirt with a grey tie, and black slacks, and combat boots. When not working, he'll wear a collared jacket or a wife beater out and about. And then, or course, there's the suit.
What they would say about themselves:
"Just trying to make a living."
What others would say about them:
"Why is that guy always smoking wtf"
What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything to avoid?
What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything in the world to have?
Guilt, probably. Oh, and his right eye back.
How did your character make their enemies? Their friends? (Although this doesn’t have to be detailed, explaining circumstances and what unites and estranges your character with others is important.)
Snake has way too many enemies, I'm not even touching this.
What does your character fear? (Explain fears and the reasons behind them.)
He's a little scared of FOXDIE. He's scared of his weaknesses being used against him. Other than that? Not much.
What is irresistible to your character? (Explain why they can’t resist the irresistible and the reasons behind their inability to resist.)
Cigarettes. They've helped him out of binds on the field, really. And they calm him down.
Who does your character admire most? (The person, their admirable qualities, and your character’s reasons.)
The other members of the fab squad. He couldn't ask for more capable team mates.