(Presents were left outside of doors, he didn't even bother to knock on any dorm room doors. But he left a little card with each present with hastily written script that said "From Snake". Check tags to see who's under cut.)
Otacon: A series collection (it might be bootleg) of an anime that's missing from his collection, toys for Fuzzie, and a voucher for a dinner, out, on him. Cherish it, Hal. There's also a tiny giant robot model making kit in there.
Samus: The gun he was wielding against Pokey in the hallway one of his first nights at the school, also known as the first fight him and Samus cooperated in, and one of those massage pads she can put on one of her chairs when she has a sore back. He also included the tranq gun he used to infiltrate what used to be New Pork City with an extra note attached: "This is helpful."
Falcon: A bottle of hard liquor and a pair of new expensive looking sunglasses. He figured Falcon wouldn't mind a new style of glasses every once and a while. He also included a few stealth grenades. He included a pack of markers for Ionia.
Kyle: A stress ball, and one of his more modest guns. And a bag of his favorite kind of coffee. He hoped Kyle would like it too.
Ocelot: A scribbly drawing of a hand giving the middle finger. There was an extra note attached that read "Share this with Liquid, please."
Bowser: A six pack of beer.
Petunia: Some barrettes with flowers on them and a pretty flower necklace, too.
Sami: Some different colors of headbands he could bear to part with from his collection. Battle worn on the ends. These were packed in a box that could easily fit a teenage girl of Sami's size inside, if she wanted to hide from anything, hint hint.
Espio: A black turtleneck. Nothing special, but he's always one to condone sneaking around.
Roger: A pirate hat.
Jet: A pair of goggles he thought looked kind of cool. He appreciated the concern for Samus' well being from a while ago.
Olimar: An atlas. It seemed like something he could use.
Blacky: Earrings!
Leon: The same kind of stress ball he gave Kyle, along with some candles. Samus may or may not have told him that Leon liked that kind of stuff.
Geno: A scarf with constellation designs on it.
Smeargle: The same kind of marker kit Ionia got, because he was really surprised by the sculpture she made of him.
Class members: Candy! Glorious candy!
((Hope that no one was forgotten, but it's late...))