Aug 29, 2010 22:45
I'm signed up to be a foster mom, and it just hasn't worked out. Dillon, my dear sweet brat of a dog, accepts puppies well, but he'll start guarding everything from the best spot on the couch to me with his dear grrrrfriend, so I know if I foster an older dog, we're going to have some pack order "discussions." Don't want that. So, my first pick puppy got adopted before he even got into Minneapolis. Yeah!!! Wah! Second pick was a 6 month labamutt, but I'd been planning on my week off as new dog time & the labamutt came a week too late & when I was really stressed. Now, best choice is a 6 month pit. I've got nothing against pits, by 6 months? He's already big, and I'm sure I could rehome a teenage labamutt quickly. A teenage pit, even a sweet one, is already big enough to scare people and to be honest, a lot of people I've met who have pits really shouldn't have dogs imho. & as the foster, I'd be the person to interview the adopter. That's another yeah, boo.
I babble. Here's what happened today! I volunteered to do a house inspection, & I haven't been inspected yet myself. They know I've been a volunteer asst dog trainer for 7 years, including aggressive dogs, but it's not like they checked references. I must sound like a dog trainer on the phone because they sent me a 7 page pdf and asked me if I felt comfortable going on my own, or did I want to go with an experienced volunteer first. Either I really impressed someone, or they are desperate for volunteers. I certainly couldn't answer any organizational questions. Training issues yes, but if someone asked me if we had a dog emergency contact, heck if I know.
Here's some of the duh I don no questions:
What do they know about rescued dogs. Simple question, but then I'm supposed to enlighten them. I've worked with some rescues. I could foresee some issues due to being underfed, guarding issues, fear/shyness, separation anxiety, fear-aggression. What else? I haven't fostered yet?
Behavior issues including excessive barking - Gads, if they tell me they've debarked a dog, they're done with me. Bark collar, ugh, I don't like them but... And if they'd ask me what I'd do, that's such a big question. Depends on the dog. I knew one guy who tried to get my sympathy once because the police sent him a note about his dog barking. He said it was because his neighbors held a grudge against him. Hello! In this town, a dog has to be observed barking 15 minutes straight before the police would do anything. This dork was leaving his dog outside & it was barking because it was bored. Dude! Bring it in!
Describe the children's ability to listen to your advice and instructions about behavior around dogs. - okay, this I've done several times before. Easy.
What would you do if you came home to find your dog on the middle of the dining room table. LOL!!! I can't ask that with a straight face!!! BTW, 102 Dalmatians, that's my breed! The first dog up on Cruella's dining room table is an Irish Water Spaniel!
And the million dollar question for the interviewer - Would you leave your dog with this family??? Hey, Dillon. I wouldn't wish you on an unsuspecting family!
Okay, I feel better about this now. I'll probably be on the picky side. I still think I could use a crash course on the organization.