First let me say that the Baby shower was AMAZING. Being surrounded by the loving support of our family, friends and community was not only warm, fuzzy and all feel good yummy, I really felt the overwhelming faith everyone had in our ability to be good parents. (I often lack this faith in myself...) Plus the laughter was plentiful and healing, the food was delicious and decadent (Mexican food and salted caramel cake with browned butter buttercream frosting) and the treasures we received will be cherished reminders of how well loved and supported all THREE of us are.
Next... So I take my NCLEX board exam on Friday. Yes Friday I take the final exam in the long journey to becoming a Nurse. That is crazy. I feel like I have been working at this for the last 10 years, but really it hasn't been nearly that long. I have to say it feels good to be here... now.
I know it won't be the last test, I have several more licenses ahead of me in my career, and they will all require dedication and commitment from me.... but this is really the first piece of paper (the license) that says “Hey, Dorie, you are being the person you set out to be.” It will be interesting to see which comes first in the mail... the Seamonkey's birth certificate (the Mom license) or the Nursing license. Both being monumental and joyous.
Last... My platelet numbers are down again. Ok they are WAY down from a few weeks ago. Like 15,000 down, and below the “mild” point into “moderate thrombocytopenia”. I admit, I am now scared. Mostly because I have 4 more weeks to go and I fear them dropping even further. My Dr. is great and has a plan to treat it, however... I can't help but feel... inadequate (see above comment about my lack of faith in myself). On Friday after my test I will start a 10 day course of Corticosteroids, which I am not thrilled about but should take care of the problem. (Sometimes steroids can bring on insomnia and anxiety... two things I DO NOT need prior to my HUGE test, so she said I could wait until after.) I will likely put on some extra weight, have some edema and I will be a bit immuno suppressed so I shouldn't be around anyone sick for a few weeks, but most of those are normal for pregnant ladies anyway. My Dr. also made sure to tell me that this is totally idiopathic (we have no idea why) and it is NOT my fault or because I did anything wrong. (I went right to my “advanced age” or lack of exercise last month or that brownie I had yesterday.) Max keeps telling me that everything will be fine. He is almost always right, so I am trying to trust him this time. Everything will be fine, I will take my test, then take my meds, and in 4 weeks deliver a beautiful healthy little girl and BOTH of us will survive the experience and live happily and healthily ever after. So mote it be!