RP log with isabelowens | Welcomed visitor

May 23, 2009 14:01

No-prompt RP log with isabelowens | Backdated to after THIS

At least this hospital room wasn't white. The walls were a nice pale blue colour and the room more modern in general. Still a private room, which he was glad of. He didn't want to share with some stranger that snored or gawped at him when he was being checked by the doctors. It was actually a relief to have the change of scenery. The hospital room in Liverpool was driving him crazy, if only because every single staff member knew who he was and squeed over the game, wanting to talk to him about stats and scoreboards. It was the last thing Cameron had wanted to talk about. Here, he was mostly an unknown. Staff knew he was an English sport's star, but Liverpool FC mostly meant very little to them. It was a breath of fresh air for him.

He was alone at the moment. The flight had about done Pat in, so Aiden had taken Pat directly back to his apartment to rest while Mr and Mrs Preston went with the nurse that travelled with them to check in at Mount Sinai. It was an easy process and Cameron had slept once he was settled. He had only been awake a short time now, though a text message from Aiden told him Pat was still asleep. One thing you couldn't escape as a hospital patient, though, was boredom and he flicked halfheartedly through the magazine in his lap. The American ones weren't anymore interesting than the English ones.

Izzy had waited for as long as she could, making sure there had been enough time for Cameron to get settled, and for Pat and Aiden to visit with him, or do whatever. Truth was, she was just about busting at the seems to see the other Preston twin. Ever since Aiden had said that Cameron would be coming to New York, Iz's stomach and been twisting itself into excited knots. She'd made sure her hair was brushed, and she'd changed, not looking like she'd spent a few hours sitting outside James' room, or waiting for Cameron to be alone.

The sweater she wore clung to the curves she did have, and her jeans fitted snugly. It was the first day since James had been checked in that she hadn't had to be here in an FBI capacity. She smiled as she leaned against the side of the doorway, and watched Cameron. "Hope that's not porn you're reading, Preston. I might have to confiscate it so you don't get into any mischief."

Cameron looked up with a smile, folding the magazine closed. "Hey," he greeted her and shook his head. "Nope, I wish it bloody was. Something called Razor. I don't think I really need to know how to coordinate my lip gloss shade with my Jimmy Choos," he sniggered. "But Mum and Dad got these magazines off Aiden, so I'm not particularly surprised. My brother-in-law is trying to passively aggressively turn me into a Metrosexual."

Iz stepped into the room and came up to his bedside. She leaned down to brush a kiss to Cameron's cheek and smiled again. "You mean you don't even realise that Razor is his BFF's, your ex-lay's and my BFF's pregnant girlfriend's magazine? I'm guessing the two of you didn't talk much. You are the one with pink toes, remember? Metrosexual isn't that far of a leap. How was the trip?"

Cameron looked at the magazine with a snort. "Why would I realise that? This is the part where I admit I hardly know Aiden and I know Harri owns a magazine but that I never read shit like this to really log much about the logistics of it all. All I can see is chicks pay a shit load for the magazine full of ads," he laughed and rested his head back on the pillow. "Exhausting. The pain was excruciating having my leg stuck in one place for so long, but it was okay. I was just glad when it was over. I probably won't see Pat for a couple of days, though. His eyeballs were hanging out of his head when we landed. I was glad to get away from England, to be honest."

Izzy shrugged. "I don't know, I thought it might have come up. Some people like talking about their work. Anyway, you get a chance to get to know your brother-in-law now. He's the one that told me you were getting transferred. We had an unofficial meeting of BFFs Anonymous. As for the magazine, I will admit to reading it once or twice, but it's more Ali's cup of tea than mine. I only know what's cool from being friends with her for so long." Iz took the seat next to Cameron's bed, her gaze flicking over his face. "I can imagine. So you don't have anyone to be with you? Want me to stay? I'll be happy to. Is it the football thing?"

"It probably did, but in my defense, I'm male, and it probably went in one ear and out the other," Cameron admitted sheepishly. "He did? I'm glad you chatted to him. The guy's sweet when he's not growling at your BFF. Again, probably another reason I flew off the deep end about the wedding. When Pat told me he was married to Aiden, I knew it would be a forever deal."

He put the magazine aside, planning on giving it back to Pat. "Ali... I haven't met her yet. Oh, actually, I'm lying. I met her very briefly at the wedding, only I didn't realise at the time she was anything connected to you. She was nice, very... to the point," he laughed. "My parents stuck around until I fell asleep and then they went back to the apartment. It was okay. It would be nice to have some company, though. And yeah, mostly. I just don't think a change of scenery will do me any harm. I was really going crazy over there letting the negativity bite my arse."

"Nothing wrong with being male, especially where you're concerned. There are certain compensations to keep us females happy and placated when you aren't listening," Izzy smirked, her gaze dragging down his body before she broke out into laughter and waggled her eyebrows. "Me too. I had been meaning to talk to him properly, but after seeing him in Liverpool I was a little worried. He wasn't particularly happy to see me, but he is territorial. You're his husband's twin, so you get just as protected as Pat, and I admire that. It's clear how much he loves your brother. I'm actually just a little jealous now that I can see what it's like when a relationship really works."

Iz smiled. "That's our Ali, alright. She's always been like. Motherhood hasn't really softened it, just brought other dimensions to her." She reached out to take his hand after bringing the chair a little closer. "I'm piratically an expert at sitting by someone's hospital bed, so you can feel free to fall asleep. I won't take offence. It's easy enough to be driven crazy when you can't really move properly, or do things you want to. I'm kind of glad you decided on the change too, since I can actually come visit without a plane trip being involved."

Cameron smiled, nodding. "I'll be sticking around for a few weeks, too. Aiden has this schmick apartment in the City that he kept even after moving to Princeton because his company is here. I think the plan is to hang around until your BFF is okay. There's no rush back to Princeton. Most of the brood are still in Scotland and Pat isn't working at the moment. I think Pat's words were 'We just need to be here for now', which makes sense. Pat's health isn't the best at the moment, either. It could go either way, depending how he is after some rest. It's a little scary when he gets like this. He doesn't want us walking on eggshells around him, but we inevitably do, and he inevitably bitches us out. But we can hang out and stuff. It'll be nice. I mean, you and me... not me and Pat," he clarified.

"So he said. Aiden was very forth coming with information," Izzy said with a laugh. "I'm sorry that your brother's not feeling well. If there's anything I can help with, you just let me know, okay?" Iz leaned forward, dark hair framing her face as her green eyes studied his blue ones quietly for a moment before she leaned in to brush a soft kiss against his mouth. "Anything at all."

"I think things are pretty in hand at the moment, but I promise, just having you visit here is plenty," Cameron told her. "You can help keep me from going stir-crazy and wanting to call Pat every ten minutes to bitch about being immobile and bored," he laughed.

Iz nodded. "I can definitely do that. I'm sure I could even bribe the nurses into letting me be the one to spongebath you. I could even draw all over your cast so you have something to entertain you when you look at it."

Cameron pushed the covers down, using his good leg to get them right to the end of the bed. "Do your worst," he laughed when the cast was revealed along with his still painted pink toenails. Luckily he wasn't in one of those awful hospital gowns. The nurses here had been okay with him in some loose shorts and a t-shirts instead. It gave him back some slight sense of normalcy. The cast came up to his thigh and went right down over his ankle. There was already some artwork there, mostly from his team mates and mostly football jokes, song lyrics or Liverpool FC emblems, but there was loads of room still vacant. He looked down at it wryly, pulling his lips to the side. "It's kind of depressing to look at."

Izzy grinned at the sight of his legs, and ran her hand down his good one before she moved to perch herself on the edge of the bad next to his injured leg. She pulled a marker from her pocket, and leaned down to start work on her masterpiece. She smiled as she read some of the other sentiments already scrawled over it. "Your toes are so cute all pink like that," she murmured before she pressed a kiss to his big toe as she let out a giggle-snort. "Very manly. Not at all metrosexual. Did they give you a time frame for how long it has to stay on?"

"They're Patrosexual," Cameron said with a snort of a laugh. "I think the smiley faces lost the whole trendy vibe." He watched her drawing on the cast, his hand resting on her thigh so he could lean a little forward to see what she was doing. "Six weeks in a cast, god knows how long in a brace while I go through physio and shit like that. I escape without needing steel pins in there anyway, so that was a plus. It's just going to take time."

"Patrosexual... I like that," Iz replied with a smirk. Then she frowned in concentration, even the tip of her tongue poking out to as she worked on drawing a little scene. She was used to working with her nieces and nephews on scenes to depict their favourite fairytales, so Izzy wasn't too bad at drawing. She wasn't putting any princesses on Cameron's cast, choosing to go with a few naughty images. "No pins is incredibly good. I'm sorry it's going to take so long, but we're all here to support you. I might need to get to the gym if I have to lug your footballer ass around."

Cameron laughed. "I'm telling you, he has his whole own style, but works it... for a gay guy. Not everyone can pull off what Pat wears." He couldn't make out what she was drawing from this angle, but he still watched curiously. "Hey, I have awesome upper body strength. You can just tag along and listen to me whine about being stuck on crutches," he said with a smirk.

Izzy snickered. "I'm pretty sure Aiden just pull it off." She tilted her head as she changed the angle of her hand to continue the drawing around the curve of the plaster. "And then massage your armpits after having them get crutch chaffing?"

Cameron winced. "Yes, I'm pretty sure he does, too." He pressed his fingers into his eyes. "I can't think those sorts of things about my twin, even if I do pull the piss out of him. And you should've seen Aiden when he realised Pat was an identical twin. There was a whole realm of cock recognition going on there. I think it scarred him deeply," he laughed. "I did not think a single innocent thought then when you said 'crutch chaffing'."

"Good, because I don't want you thinking innocent thoughts." Izzy pulled back, pleased with her effort and scooted back on Cameron's bed to sit beside him. She set the marker onto the little table beside him, and she raised her eyebrows expectantly as she waited for his reaction. "Oh yeah, you two would be identical, wouldn't you... Hm... are the reactions the same too, because when I do that tongue thing your cock does this little jump almost. It makes me smile."

Cameron blinked at her. "I don't know! It's not exactly something that comes up in conversation with my twin about his lovers... I know we just have... identical assets. That's all I know," he said hastily, looking at the drawing. "What is it?"

Iz rolled her eyes as she pointed at his cast. "A naked man holding a soccer ball. Football," she corrected quickly before she got glared at for being an ignorant American. She turned to look at him, hand sliding up the inside of his shorts. "How is your crutch today, anyway? Any pain?"

"Well, I'm looking at it upside down!" Cameron laughed, but as soon as she said it, he could see it. "Strategically placed football. I'll try and stop my brother drawing a tutu on him," he promised and sucked in a breath when her hand connected to his skin. He actually had no underwear on under the shorts, a request by the nurses in case he needed quick assistance with anything. He bit down on his lip. "A little, but nothing I can't handle," he said breathlessly.

"And I'll try and stop imagining you with a tutu on," Iz smirked. She kissed his neck, tongue skating over his skin. She pushed her hand up a little further, her skin warming as she felt him under her fingertips. "I really want to get you off right now, but if you don't think you can do this, I'll stop."

Cameron's breath diminished just a little bit more as she got closer to him. He would be lying if he didn't say he had been thinking about just that since she said goodbye to him at the airport in New York. A lot had happened since then and he had hardly been in any fit state to even think about anything sexual. He had been in a lot of pain, for one, also post-surgical and despising being trapped in a hospital bed. But now some of the stress had lifted. He was here in the States to stay with Pat, and it wasn't Liverpool. Izzy was here, and he would have more time to get to know her. He was more relaxed, not in a stupid hospital gown and his room was actually a lot more private than the one he had in England. Clearly, the way his dick was already responding to her touch, he was confident he could do something. "Do what?" he asked huskily.

"Lie there, and let me grope you?" Izzy nuzzled against his neck as her breathing started to become shallow, the idea of coaxing an orgasm out of Cameron enough to turn her own. She wasn't even looking for reciprocation, she wanted to do this for him. She slipped her hand out from under his short leg, to slip it under the waistband to get better access. She wrapped her fingers around his length, and lifted her head to look at his face. "If you hurt at any point, just give me a little warning before you push the buzzer, and doctors and nurses come rushing in. I don't want to be banned from visiting."

Cameron stuck the tip of his tongue out the corner of his lips and looked down at her with a breathless laugh. Her hand was warm around his cock and it strangely felt like a long time ago since they had shared that last night in the hotel together. A very long time. Psychologically, the accident had taken an awful lot out of him and he had an understanding now of how Pat felt after each time he got sick and yearned to be with Aiden. It wasn't just getting off, it was comfort, on some level. "I'm not sure I could coordinate buzzing with your hand on my cock, to be honest. Do you want to just, um, pull the curtain around the bed? If anyone comes, they'll speak up in case I'm not decent then," he suggested and then wet his lips. "This is nice, you know. I... really appreciate it."

Iz nodded as she kissed him briefly before getting up to pull the curtain. She settled herself back beside him, hand once again sliding down into his shorts. Their last night seemed like a lifetime ago, even to her. She kissed his brow, her fingers slowly moving up and down his length. "You're very welcome, kismet lay. Lie back, relax, and enjoy... hopefully you'll only feel the best kind of pain for a little while."

Word Count | 3,002

[rp] isabelowens, [plot] kismet lay, [ship] cameron/izzy, [with] isabelowens, [plot] twin issues

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