Jan 07, 2011 00:09
I decided to go to a meeting. A friend picked me up, and then we went to pick up an elderly lady. The lady lives up a steep drive. She said it was 'slippery in some places'. This was due to the snow we had last week. I didn't know my friend didn't have 4WD. Who lives where it snows, has only one vehicle and it doesn't have 4WD? Seriously. Long story short, she tried to drive up so the lady who is 81 would not have to walk down in the snow. Old lady didn't mention there was ICE under the snow. We slid about halfway back down. I got out to help the lady down the drive and into the suv. She jerks, I slip and fall, sliding at least 10 ft down the drive on my left knee(just had surgery on the right) and my fingertips. No gloves, cuz I had been in a warm car. Ever tried to grab onto ice with your fingertips? Take it from me, they do not slow you down. The freaking big rock you are sliding towards and finally hit on the hand does. I go back to my knee doctor next week so he can do my post op check. I got hurt at work so NO way can they know I have fallen and wasn't sure I could get up. I have no idea what I am going to tell him about the bruises on my left knee, nor the weird ass limp I now have. I cannot tell you what my typing has turned into. Takes forever and then there are the typo's.
I sure hope your new year is going better than mine.
Is it to late to go back to bed and start the new year over????