Well, that was... eventful.

Jun 13, 2007 00:40

Well. The last couple of days have been... eventful.

Day One: Friis sprung several unexpected sweeping changes on us and started the RP early, and it started a huge argument that, coupled with said changes, also caused something like half the players to go on strike (not to mention that at Drayco is now Off My Contact List, because he was just being a jackass with no redeeming features to counterbalance that). Then he cancelled the RP after we laid out our grievances and discussed them more peacefully.

Day Two: Discussion manages to start again, somehow -- although I think that initial shift in topic was mostly my fault, I'm honestly not sure. Ave goes completely batshit because she saw the log, read it as me attacking her friends, and refuses to take it any other way; cue dramaz, in which I go from shocked to bewildered to frustrated to snarky while being verbally attacked with an unvarying level of fury. Until, of course, she finds another target - and while I feel sorry for Lomgren, I'm at least glad that arguing with him took her focus off me. The argument eventually burns itself out, although it takes several of our bridges with it, and she leaves. I talk to Friis, mainly to assure him that I'm still his friend despite being very much not Ave's anymore, and it turns out that she's hated me for some time now. (Also some other stuff about Ave that I don't really want to post on a public blog.) If the argument itself wasn't a mood-killer, that certainly was.

The upside, though, is that me and some friends of mine have started planning to create a replacement RP into which we can move the displaced CM2 characters -- although it can't be too similar, or it'd just seem like a ripoff.

Still no discussion. Speakers continue to misbehave.
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