[Mod Post] Camelot Solstice 2010 (Some administrative things & a poll)

Aug 06, 2010 10:19

Hello there Merlin Fandom! It's that time of year again - Camelot Solstice Fest Time \o/

I have lots of things to share with you all and a poll for you to fill out so please clickity click on le cut and we'll start on getting everything worked out.

First some administrative type things. Be patient please :D

This year there has been quite a large staff change. Unfortunately my lovely co-mod from last year has had to step down due to the fact that she is getting herself an education and being all smart and such. *hugs her tight* ILUBB♥

Due to this, I have hired three lovely new mods. They are all really super awesome peoples and we're going to have a blast running this fest. And oh boy, I sure hope they know what they're getting themselves into!

A very important thing: I have been thinking of having the majority of the fest run over on Dreamwidth. Now, before you all panic and think I'm doing it to get you to switch over - chill, that's not the case. The number one reason I want to do it there is because of the post limit on Dreamwidth. If we get long fics, we won't have to have them divided into so many different parts. A fic of roughly 50k will fit on one post. That would be why I would want to post there.

If we do, I can send out invites for members or you can always join using you OpenID. And the majority of the posts will be mirrored here on LJ, so no need to worry about missing anything important. We'll figure that part out later.

And now - THE POLL OF DOOOM!! DUN DUN DUUUN!!! Okay, not really of doom, as such - it's just rather long. Make sure you answer everything as it will help us in getting this all sorted ASAP. Thanks!

Poll Camelot Solstice 2010

You're awesome, thank you! Make sure to leave any comments and/or suggestions - especially if you picked any of the "maybe" or "depends" answers. This will help make sure we take care of as many doubts as possible before we get started. The rules will be the same as last year and if you're having trouble remembering what they are, take a peek at the community profile.

As soon as we get things better sorted out, we'll be making another post and I'll introduce my fellow mods then. Thank you once again - Aurora

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