Fic: True to Thy Heart Part V

Jan 08, 2012 14:36

Title: True to thy Heart
Author: mara93
Rating: Teen
Disclaimer: I disclaim. Merlin belongs to BBC/Shine.
Genre: Episode extender for Episode 4.05. This was supposed to be a short ficlet, but then it just kept growing so here we go.
Spoilers: for episode 4.05 and before, please note.
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Gwen // Arthur, Gwen, Merlin, Agravaine, Queen Annis, Percival, Elyan, Gaius, Gwaine and minor Leon
Summary: Has the four A’s: angst, amour, adventure and Agravaine…lol. / Gwen trusts her heart in making a choice that will lead her closer to becoming queen and Arthur learns just how brave and influential she can be.
Author’s Note: I enjoyed this ep, but I felt elements were rushed. I wanted to take certain aspects of it into greater depth and it turned into this long story that is kind of AU from the direction of the show. This is the final part and this fic is complete now. // This is for the wonderful ella_rose88 for her bid for her Help the Fight Against Depression Auction at her fanfic journal: m_in_wonderland

writer: mara93, genre: episode fic, rating: teen, character: merlin, character: arthur, genre: drama, character: gwaine, character: guinevere, pairing: arthur/guinevere, genre: romance, length: multi-chapter, fanwork: fic

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