Your Scars Are For Me

Apr 24, 2012 03:10

Author: hogwartsvixxxen
Title: Your Scars Are For Me
Rating: R
Pairing/s: Arthur/Merlin past Lancelot/Merlin
Character/s: Lancelot, Arthur, Merlin and in passing Gaius and the other knights.
Summary: Arthur discovers Merlin’s scars
Warnings: Un-beta’d, Character death not, Merlin or Arthur
Word Count: 750
Prompt:#3 scar
Author's Notes: This is a continuation to Scar For Me. Scar For Me For everyone who said Arthur better protect his man.

Merlin turns away and quickly rebuilds the walls, but it too late, Arthur has seen. Arthur has seen every scar on his lover’s body, arms and legs there must be hundreds of them. Silver, pink and red. Arthur wants to ask what happened, but the tears have caused a lump in his throat making it hard to swallow, talk, breathe. Finally the words come Who? What? Why?


Merlin is silent then he turns to Arthur. “There’s nothing you can do he’s he’s…” Merlin shakes is head.

“I am the Prince and future King of Camelot, I can do anything.”

“You can’t tell your father about us and neither can anyone else,” Merlin says as he rubs his arms feeling his own scars, silently remembering each one.

“I demand…”

Merlin stands “Who’s demanding my Prince or my lover?”

“Your lover. For what Prince would allow this to happen to those whom he loves?”

Merlin sits back down on the bed but doesn’t look at Arthur as he recounts the nightmares of the past six months.

The silence is deafening as Arthur stands and reaches for his sword. Merlin grabs his hand, hard enough to bruise. “Don’t. I-I can take care of this myself. I’ll turn him into a toad or something, a rat and let him loose among the village cats. You’ve given me the strength to stand up to him”

Arthur looked at Merlin. The look in his eyes was one Merlin never saw in his Prince and it stopped his breath. “This in my doing. I blame myself. You are mine to protect and I failed you. I want his head; I want him ended.”

“You can’t do this without questions being raised, and... and what about the other knights?”

“What about them?! Have they touched you too?” Arthur’s grip tightened on his sword.

Merlin looked at Arthur and shook his head. “No just Lancelot.”

“Then just Lancelot will answer with his life. The other knights will not question the actions of their Prince. Tomorrow during out training…” Arthur said as he gently pried Merlin’s hand loose and went to sit down with him on the bed.


Arthur then spent the better part of the remaining night exploring Merlin’s scars with his fingertips, lips and tongue. Merlin withered on the heavily brocaded dragon on the duvet that covered the bed, bringing himself to two orgasms. After Arthur had licked and sucked the last scar, he reached for Giaus’ special balm. Gently folding Merlin in half on his back, Arthur prepared himself and his lover’s hot entrance with the balm then slowly pushed forth. Merlin winced slightly as Arthur slowly pushed past each ring of muscles until the Prince was home. Merlin and Arthur’s hand join and wrap around Merlin’s cock bringing them both the sweetest release as outside the door to the bedchamber Lancelot’s twisted smile never reaces his eyes.


Merlin stood off to the side watching while Elyan and Leon sparred with Arthur trying to avoid Lancelot’s burning gaze. It wasn’t until Arthur was done sparring and looked at Merlin did he meet Lancelot’s gaze. Arthur ordered Percival and Lancelot to step forward but before Percival drew his sword, Lancelot attacked Arthur “You will not win or take him from me.

Arthur counter-attacked “He was never yours and it is you who shall not win.”

Percival and the other knights unsure at the moment of what exactly was happening stood off to the side until it became painfully clear that that their comrade was simply not sparring with their Prince. With their swords drawn they began to advance. “Stand down,” was Arthur’s command to his knights as Lancelot’s blade sliced Arthur’s arm. Merlin lifted his hand but stopped short of the spell when a hand placed on his shoulder stopped him. “Gaius.”

“Arthur must do this, he’s already told me. Merlin,” Gaius said pulling him close “Why didn’t you come to me you could have told me.”

“I couldn’t I…” the clash of swords brought their attention back to Arthur and Lancelot who was bleeding from a gasgh in his chest, Blood was trickling down Arthur’s arm as he swung his sword around making a sickening slicing sound as Lancelot’s head rolled on the ground. “He attacked your Prince, Arthur proclaimed as the other knights gathered around their fallen comrade turned traitor.


Uther listens to the knights as they recount their story and later as the castle sleeps Merlin walks to Arthur’s bed chamber unafraid of what or who lurks in the shadows.

p:lancelot/merlin, rating:r, c:merlin, pt 003:scars, p:arthur/merlin, *c:hogwartsvixxxen, type:drabble, c:arthur

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