Off We Go

Aug 20, 2024 13:51

Author: ajsrandom
Title: Off We Go
Rating: G
Pairing/s: none
Character/s: Merlin, Kilgharrah
Summary: Merlin asks Kilgharrah if he will behave on their journey.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 256
Prompt: 614, Behave
Author's Notes: Back to my regularly unscheduled fic. :)

Merlin had gotten two weeks off from work. He’d purchased all his camping equipment and food. He was ready to go hunting for Camelot. There was just one little matter to address.

“You’re going to behave on this journey, aren’t you?” he asked Kilgharrah.

The cat-dragon managed to look innocent. “Of course.”

“No nasty surprises in store for me?”

“Not a one.”

“I had better stay that way. You’ve done me wrong in the past, and I definitely don’t want to go there again.”

Kilgharrah thought a moment. “I was only telling you what you needed to know, when you needed to know it.”

“That’s what I’m talking about. You only give out information when you deem I’m ready.”

“Merlin. I am as crippled as you are in this life. My magical sight is not all-knowing. I can only tell you what I know when I know it. You must be prepared for surprises.”

“Fine. Get into your carrier, will you? It’s time to leave.”

Kilgharrah grumbled for a bit but got into the pet carrier. “It’s for your own safety, you know. Also, it would look weird if I just let you roam around the car while we traveled. I could be questioned,” Merlin added.

“You are right, of course. Let us begin the journey now.”

Merlin shut the carrier and picked it up. Here he was, going on a journey as in times of old. Except he’d be alone save a smarmy cat. If he survived this, it would hopefully help them find Arthur.

c:merlin, rating:g, type:drabble, pt 614:behave, *c:ajsrandom, c:kilgharrah

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