Coming Home (Part 6)

Jul 14, 2024 19:00

Author: sidhe_faerie
Title: Coming Home (Part 6)
Rating: PG
Character/s: Arthur, Merlin, Morgana, Uther
Summary: Arthur tells Morgana about her inheritance.
Warnings: death
Word Count: 437
Prompt: 609. Valuable
Author's Notes:

Part 6
Arthur stood up and put his hand on Morgana's shoulder. “He's gone.”

“I know.” Morgana put Uther’s hand on his chest. “Sorry Arthur. I'll be on the first flight out.”

“No you won't.” Arthur looked over at Merlin. “Merlin, call the undertaker. Morgana, come with me.”

“You already sound like him.” Morgana stood up and let Arthur lead her out of the room.

Arthur led her into the study. “Have a seat.” Arthur went to the cabinet and poured two glasses of brandy. He put a glass on the table in front of her. “Did you lie to him?”

Morgana picked up the glass with shaky hands. “Yes. I still use magick. I bet you're well pleased with yourself. The golden boy.”

Arthur sat in the chair across from her. “All he talked about is you and how much he missed you. We need to talk about the will.”

“I don't want anything. I'll sign all of it over to you.” Morgana held the glass with two hands and sipped the brandy. “I can manage without it.”

“Morgana, he left you a valuable piece of property. It's in Cornwall.” Arthur told her.

“My mother’s home?” Morgana looked into her glass.

“Yes.” Arthur stood up and retrieved the brandy from the cabinet. He refilled Morgana's glass and sat the decanter on the table.

“Why would he do that? He threw me out when he found out I had magick. He called me a….”

“Morgana!” Arthur interrupted her. “You know I don't feel the same. Merlin…..”

“Has magick. I know. He told me.” Morgana sat her glass on the table.

Arthur looked surprised. “He must have….sensed it….in you. From what he has explained, you all can sense each other.”

“Sort of.” Morgana leaned back in her chair.

Merlin knocked on the open door. “I called the doctor and the undertakers. They'll be here shortly.” Merlin sat down on the edge of the desk. “Is everything all right here?”

“Yes.” Arthur looked up at Merlin. “Show Morgana to her room and get her settled in. She'll be with us until after the funeral.”

“Her bags are in her room and I told the cook to make something light.” Merlin frowned. He looked at the fireplace and lit the kindling with a glance. He met Arthur’s surprised look and shrugged. “She's shivering.”

Arthur sighed. “Morgana, go get some rest. We can talk later.”

Morgana stood and swayed a little before Merlin caught her. “Sorry Merlin.”

Merlin glared at Arthur. “It's no problem, Morgana. I've got you.” Merlin scooped her up in his arms and carried her to her room.

pt 609:valuable, type:drabble, rating:pg, *c:sidhe_faerie

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