
Jul 02, 2024 17:04

Author: ajsrandom
Title: Strategizing
Rating: G
Pairing/s: none
Character/s: Merlin, Gwen, the knights, Kilgharrah
Summary: The meeting continues.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 443
Prompt: 607, Epiphany
Author's Notes: Continued where I left off a couple weeks ago. Currently seeking a name for this monstrosity. :)

“Okay, first we need to be watching the news, not just here in Britain, but over the whole world,” Merlin told the group. “Both on the telly and the internet. That’s something we can all do, though some of us will have an easier time in our professional capacities.” He nodded at Leon and Gwen.

“I can have the telly running while I work,” Percy said. “I usually do.”

“That’s great!” Merlin replied.

“I scour the internet for work anyway,” said Gwaine. “It won’t be hard to check on Arthurian fan sites.”

“Just don’t go too deep down any rabbit holes,” Lance added. “I can also search the internet during my free time.”

“Fantastic!” Merlin said. “I just had an epiphany. I’ve got holiday leave I need to use up. I’ll take it and go to the Lake of Avalon, or what’s left of it, where I ‘buried’ Arthur, and see if I can pick up any clues. Does anyone have any other ideas?”

He looked around at everyone, and Leon cleared his throat. “I think I speak for everyone when I ask this, but are there any remains of Camelot? And if so, do you know where they are? I, for one, would like to visit.”

Everyone nodded in agreement. Merlin grinned. “That’s something I’d like to know too. Kilgharrah, do you have an answer for us?”

“I can guide you there, yes, then you can bring the others. I think it would be beneficial for you all to visit,” Kilgharrah replied. “But be prepared-it’s not what you think it should be.”

Merlin chuckled. “As cryptic as always, I see. I guess I’d better be prepared for primitive camping.”

Gwen reached over and touched his hand. “Do you need someone to go with you? Maybe I can arrange some time off.”

Kilgharrah spoke up again. “The young warlock needs to go alone first, with my guidance. I am not sure if there are any ancient magics about that only he can deal with.”

“Thanks for the offer, Gwen. When I get back, we can all arrange a collective time off so we can go together,” Merlin said. “Does anyone else have an idea we haven’t discussed?”

No one spoke up, so Merlin said, “Okay then. Please post in the group text if anything comes up. Now, does anyone want dessert?”

Everyone chuckled. There was an exciting feeling in the air, like anything could happen at any moment. It was so good to be together again with all his friends. Merlin thought the only thing that could be better than this feeling was the one they’d have when they reunited with Arthur.

pt 607:epiphany, c:merlin, rating:g, c:gwen, type:drabble, *c:ajsrandom, c:kilgharrah

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