An Easy Choice

May 07, 2024 23:27

Author: Gilli_ann
Title: An Easy Choice
Rating: G
Characters: Arthur, Merlin, George
Summary: Arthur ponders his choice of manservant
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Balance
A/N: Canon drabble

An Easy Choice

Arthur watched Merlin leaving the room to receive his brass polishing tuition from George.

The grin left Arthur's lips, and he turned pensive.

Merlin really was a terrible servant. Clumsy, tardy, obstreperous. Having just witnessed George's excellent and efficient work, his calm demeanor, his almost prescient ability to read and act on Arthur's every need, Arthur did not doubt that this was a superior manservant. Reason would argue that George should remain.

And yet... Merlin might not bring good breakfasts and clean clothes, but he brought excitement. Exasperation. Challenges. Surprises. Laughter. Joy.

On balance, that was definitely what Arthur preferred.

pt 599:balance, *c:gilli_ann, c:george, c:merlin, rating:g, type:drabble, c:arthur

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