A Way Ahead

Apr 02, 2024 23:03

Author: Gilli_ann
Title: A Way Ahead
Rating: G
Characters: Hunith, Merlin, Arthur
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Summary: When a sad and pining Merlin suddenly returns home, Hunith takes action.
Word Count: 435
Prompt: Might
A/N: Canon divergence

A Way Ahead

Merlin was sitting by the hearth, flexing his fingers to stir the embers. The golden gleam in his eyes came and went as he made one small glowing dragon shape after the other, each rising into the air only to slowly dissipate, leaving nothing but a slight shimmer behind.

Hunith lowered her knitting and sighed as she studied her son.

Merlin was hurt and hurting, that much was clear. He hadn't wanted to tell her what had happened to make him leave Camelot so abruptly to return home, but she could perhaps make a guess. It wasn't lost on her that every magical dragon briefly glowing under her roof looked like the Pendragon's sigil.

Merlin had to have fallen out with the prince. Had Arthur discovered Merlin's magic? If so, he hadn't told his father the king. Merlin would not remain here if he had. He would be running for the hills to avoid Uther's wrath and vengeance.

But if Arthur had discovered the truth about Merlin, and kept the knowledge to himself, that could actually mean...

She needed to be sure. And her dear moping Merlin wasn't going to tell her.

Quietly she placed her yarns to one side, and went to fetch her ink, a quill, and a tiny scrap of parchment. It was time to resolve the riddle of Merlin's return to Ealdor.

"Dear Gaius," she began, but then she stopped. Wouldn't the better course of action be to go straight to the supposed source of Merlin's strange mood? But that would also carry more risk. And could she really go behind Merlin's back to do it?

Finally, Hunith made her decision. "Merlin," she said firmly, calling her son back from the fields of bleak reverie where his mind had been wandering. "I'm writing a letter."

The glow of magic in Merlin's eyes died, but the last little dragon remained floating in the air above his head, glittering like fire, a sign of hope and longing.

"It is a long time now since Prince Arthur visited Ealdor," Hunith continued. "I'd like to see him again. He is a fine young man. I want to invite him to stay here with us for a few days."

Merlin dropped his gaze and lowered his head. He seemed to be blushing. Hunith waited patiently for her son to speak, but he remained silent.

"Would you be in agreement with such an invitation?" she eventually asked, pushing for a sign, an answer.

Merlin drew a deep breath and looked up. His lips curled upwards, fighting a smile. His eyes shimmered. "I... might be?" he said.

c:merlin, rating:g, p:arthur/merlin, *c:gilli_ann, type:drabble, c:hunith, c:arthur, pt 594:might

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