Darkness (Part 7)

Apr 02, 2024 14:44

Author: sidhe_faerie
Title: Darkness (Part 7)
Rating: P G
Character/s: Arthur, Merlin, Gwaine, Leon, Elyan
Summary: The creature’s hiding place has been found.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 289
Prompt: 594. Might
Author's Notes:

Darkness (Part 7)

After breakfast, Arthur and the knights started to track the creature that had spied on Arthur and Merlin from the bushes.

Gwaine poked around in the bushes with his sword. “How big was it?”

“Small horse or a cow. Possibly.” Arthur looked around. “I didn't get a good look at it. It was still dark.”

“So, we’re looking for a fire breathing cow.” Gwaine grinned at the other knights.

“If we find it, I doubt the sheer might of our swords will be enough to kill it.” Leon stared at the ground. “It came through this way.”

Arthur looked down at the spot of ground that Leon was looking at. “Merlin, I think you're right. It looks like two of them. One is smaller than the other.”

“Great.” Merlin sighed and gripped the sword he was carrying tighter.

Arthur and the knights followed the tracks to a cave.

“I'm not going in there.” Gwaine shook his head. “Wildern.”

Percival looked into the cave. “Too far south for wildern.”

“Still not going in there.” Gwaine sheathed his sword. “Cockatrice.”

Everyone looked at Gwaine.

Merlin cleared his throat. “From the looks of the tracks, it might be. Those are webbed feet like a bird.”

“A Cockatrice doesn't breathe fire.” Arthur reminded him. “I've killed one of those.”

“Is there any creature you haven't killed?” Merlin was starting to get annoyed.

Arthur shrugged. “Shut up, Merlin.”

Just then, there was a loud screech from inside the cave. Everyone took cover just in time to avoid a plume of fire and smoke.

Elyan looked at Arthur. “It has to be a dragon.”

“Gods! I hope not.” Arthur rubbed his forehead.

Merlin said nothing even though he was sure what the creature was now.

c:elyan, c:merlin, c:percival, rating:pg, type:drabble, c:gwaine, c:leon, pt 594:might, c:arthur

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