The Tail Tell Ribbon

Mar 26, 2024 15:12

Author: sidhe_faerie
Title: The Tail Tell Ribbon
Rating: PG
Character/s: Arthur, Merlin, Leon, Gwen, Morgana, Coal the Cat
Summary: One of Arthur's hounds may have eaten something he shouldn't
Warnings: sick dog
Word Count: 482
Prompt: 593. Hound
Author's Notes: Onezie! A Coal the Cat story.

The Tail Tell Ribbon

Leon knocked on the door of Merlin's room. “Merlin, Arthur needs you in the kennel, one of his hounds is ill.”

Merlin sighed. “Poor thing most likely ate scraps from the banquet. That pigeon was a little underdone.” He got up from his bed and slipped on his boots

Leon shrugged. “I was too drunk to notice.”

Merlin moved past him and took some bottles off one of the shelves. “Well, let's go see what he ate.”

When Merlin got to the kennel Arthur had already separated the sick dog from the others. Merlin knelt down and looked the dog over.

“Merlin, do you know what's wrong?” Arthur asked him as he stroked the dog.

Merlin looked around and saw where the dog had been sick. He took a stick and poked around. He pulled up a green ribbon.

“Is that…?” Arthur made a face.

“Arthur, it's Coal’s ribbon.”

“Damn dog ate the cat. Morgana is gonna kill me.”

Merlin smirked. “Of course Morgana is going to kill you. You know what Coal means to her.”

Arthur groaned.

Merlin looked around again. “There's no other sign of a cat being around here. I'll give him something to settle his stomach but you have to go tell Morgana.”

“You should do it. Morgana won't kill you.” Arthur stood up.

“I'll go with you as soon as I'm done here.” Merlin gave the dog medicine and waved the stable over to sit with the dog. He picked up the green ribbon as they left.

Gwen opened the door of Morgana's chambers and saw the ribbon Merlin was holding. “What are you doing with that?”

“Where's Morgana?” Arthur asked.

“I'm right here.: Morgana walked to the door with Coal in her arms. “Arthur, are you unwell? You look pale.”

Arthur glared at the little black cat in Morgana's arm. “Has that been here all day?”

“Yes. Why?” Morgana petted the little black cat.

“One of Arthur's dogs is sick. This was in it.” Merlin held up the green ribbon. “We thought…..”

Morgana laughed. “Good! Those hounds are a menace. They chase the cats in the stables and bother the horses.”

“Morgana…” Arthur glared at her. “They are for hunting. The stable cats are just practice.”

“That's cruel.” Morgana glared back at him. “Coal lost her ribbon two days ago when she was out visiting the stable.”

“What was she doing in the stable anyway?” Arthur asked.

Gwen and Morgana giggled.

“Arthur, she was visiting a tom cat.” Merlin blushed.

“I don't understand.” Arthur looked confused for a moment. “Oh…… Just keep an eye on her. Come on Merlin.” Arthur grabbed him by the arm and headed down the corridor. “You let me think that damn cat was dead.”

Merlin laughed. “You came to that conclusion on your own. Be glad she isn't or you would have been.”

Arthur shook his head and sighed. “I know.”

c:merlin, pt 593:hound, rating:pg, type:drabble, c:gwen, c:morgana, c:arthur, *c:sidhe_faerie

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