Enter Elyan

Feb 27, 2024 19:57

Author: ajsrandom
Title: Enter Elyan
Rating: G
Pairing/s: none
Character/s: Merlin, Gwen, Elyan, Lance, Leon, Kilgharrah
Summary: It takes a few minutes to get Elyan to agree to remembering.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 656
Prompt: 590, Caution
Author's Notes: My ongoing fic, continued. :)

Merlin nodded at Gwen. “He’s your brother.”

She frowned at him. “Come with me? It may not be him.”

“Of course,” he agreed.

They both got up and walked to the door. Gwen opened it, and they found Elyan standing there. “Gwen, good to see you. Who’s this?”

Gwen smiled. “This is my friend Merlin. Come on in and meet the others.”

Elyan walked into the room with caution. “Gwen, you said these were old friends of mine. I don’t know any of them. What is this? Are you mixed up in something ugly here?” He glanced at Merlin, Lance, and Leon with suspicion.

Gwen glanced at Merlin, who shrugged. She sighed and turned to her brother. “Come, have a seat. These gentlemen really are old friends of yours. You just don’t remember them. And no, nothing ‘ugly’ is going on here.”

“Okay, I’ll take your word for it. But if I don’t like the situation, I’m leaving.” He sat.

“That’s fair,” Merlin said. “Gwen, would you like to explain?”

“Sure. You see, Elyan, we are all reincarnated members of King Arthur’s court.”

“That’s ridiculous,” Elyan said. “King Arthur is a myth.”

“No, really, he isn’t,” Gwen glanced at Merlin and mouthed “help.”

“Elyan, you know there’s magic in the world, right?”

“Sure, everyone knows that. I don’t know any magicians though.”

“Well, you do now.” Merlin held out his hand and said, “Blostma.” Immediately a yellow rose appeared in his hand. He handed it to Elyan, who looked at it in amazement.

“That’s magic?” Elyan asked.

Merlin smiled. “That’s magic. If you’re agreeable, I’d like to reawaken the memories of your past life. If you have no past life, you will not be harmed. If you do, you will remember everything.”

Elyan looked at Gwen. “You went through this process?”

“I did.”

“You look fine.”

“I am. Elyan, please do this. If you remember, then there will be no secrets between us.”

Elyan looked back at Merlin. “Any nasty side effects I need to worry about?”

“Well, all of us who have gone through the process have passed out for twenty minutes or so, but when we woke up, we remembered.”

Elyan nodded. “Okay, I’ll do it.”

“Fantastic!” Gwen said. She took Elyan’s hand. “Elyan, you won’t regret it.”

“What do I need to do?”

“Nothing,” Merlin said, getting up. “Just sit there and I’ll put my hand on your forehead and pronounce the spell. That’s it.”

“All right. I’m ready.”

Merlin nodded and came closer to Elyan. He laid his hand on Elyan’s forehead and incanted the spell. “Whoa . . .” Elyan said, before his eyed rolled back in his head and he passed out.

“Well, that’s that,” Merlin said. “Just a matter of time now. Dessert?”

Everyone nodded and wandered into Merlin’s kitchen. Merlin served up the trifle and they all went back into the living room to eat and watch Elyan. Soon after they’d all finished, Elyan stirred.

Gwen moved to his side and called his name. Elyan opened his eyes and looked at Gwen. “You were right. I remember!” He glanced over at Merlin. “Thank you, Merlin.”

“Of course,” Merlin said.

Lance and Leon stood and walked over to Elyan. “Elyan, my friend, how are you?” Lance asked.

“I’m great!” He stood and he and Lance clasped arms. He turned to Leon and clasped arms with him as well.

“It’s good to have you with us again,” Leon said, smiling. “Now, we just need Gwaine, and Arthur, of course.”

“Yes, where is Arthur?” Elyan asked.

Merlin answered. “We don’t know, exactly. All we do know is that he’s returning sometime in the next six months. Kilgharrah?”

The dragon-cat replied. “That is indeed all we know. We need to wait and watch for the signs that he has returned.”

Elyan stared at Kigharrah. “Merlin, your cat talks. I should be surprised, but I’m not.”

Merlin laughed. “Welcome to my life, Elyan.”

pt 590:caution, c:elyan, c:merlin, rating:g, c:gwen, type:drabble, *c:ajsrandom

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