Keeping secrets

Apr 06, 2022 06:19

Author: bunnysworld
Title: Keeping secrets
Rating: PG (mostly for language)
Pairing: Merlin/Gwaine and if you blink, Merlin/Arthur, probably ;)
Warnings: none
Word count: 699
Prompt: Kiss and tell
Summary: Gwaine is an arse. Arthur to the rescue?
Author’s notes: Not beta’d. Yay! What else is new. I need to get my writing Mojo back. Sorry for being absent for so long

When Merlin approached his group of friends, everybody laughed about something Gwaine had said and he was eager to find out what the joke was about.

“And then he…oh, hi Merlin.” Gwaine grinned at him.

It was odd that they all went quiet for a moment, Percy and Elyan throwing him looks and Lance glaring at Gwaine. Arthur was the only one who hadn’t laughed and now he looked uncomfortable.

“What? What’s up?” Merlin looked from one to the other. He stood as close to Gwaine as possible without being too obvious. It had taken him by surprise when Gwaine snogged him at the party last Saturday. As he had a crush on his friend for a while now, it was like heaven that they had something going now. The others didn’t need to know, so he had asked Gwaine to keep it a secret for a bit when they finally parted.

“Gwaine told us about the party on the weekend.” Elyan finally said.

Merlin felt himself blush a little. “That was a great party.” He couldn’t help but smile and throw Gwaine a sideways look from underneath his lashes.

“I bet it was.” Arthur sounded bitter.

“How do you mean…?”

Percy stepped from one foot to the other. “So…are you an item now?”

“Huh?” Merlin stared at him.

“Well, Gwaine just said that you got together. Ow!” Percy glared at Lance who had not so gently nudged him in the ribs with his elbow.

Merlin unconsciously stepped away from Gwaine and stared at him. “You did what?”

“Oh, come on, Merlin.” Gwaine grinned and tried to put his arm around his shoulder, but Merlin stepped back further. “How can I not tell them when I got thoroughly kissed on the weekend? By you of all people!”

“What? Why? I thought we…” Merlin didn’t know what to say. That wonderful feeling he had since they had parted that night was totally gone and made way for new feelings, none of them nice.

“You knew it was just a casual thing. One time, Merlin, just one time! You can hardly think that we were going to get married next weekend!”

Merlin didn’t know what stung more. That Gwaine had broken his promise to keep it a secret or that he mocked him now on top of just telling everyone. He swallowed hard. “You’re an arse!” He turned, fully well knowing that he would slam the backpack with his books against Gwaine, but he deserved it.

He needed to get some space between them. He was the odd one out in this group of friends anyway, how was he supposed to ever look any of them in the eye again?

“Merlin!” Someone yelled after him, but he ignored it. He needed to be alone, so he found himself in his favorite space in the park nearby. They weren’t supposed to leave the school grounds but he didn’t care. This hurt too much, he couldn’t around anyone now.

After a while he heard footsteps approaching. “Merlin?”

“Go away.” Merlin sniffled and angrily wiped the tears off his cheeks with the back of his hand.

Arthur did no such thing. He just sat next to Merlin, not looking at him. “He’s so full of shit.”

Merlin couldn’t object, but he didn’t feel like talking about this with Arthur. “Mhm.”

After saying a few more derogatory things about Gwaine, Arthur fell silent and they sat like this for a while. Merlin had thought that he wanted to be alone, but it was comforting that someone was just there.

When he finally stopped sniffling and the tears stopped rolling down his face, Arthur nudged him with his elbow. “We already missed Math, how about we not miss English as well? Miss Smith is not as chilled as Mr. Knight.”

Merlin nodded. He knew he couldn’t skip classes forever. And the sooner he walked into the room with his head held high, the better. Who was this Gwaine anyway? He didn’t need him!

Arthur got up and held out his hand to pull Merlin up. As they approached the school building, Arthur didn’t look his way when he said “You know…I would never kiss and tell.”

c:elyan, *c:bunnysworld, c:merlin, c:lancelot, p:arthur/merlin, c:percival, rating:pg, p:gwaine/merlin, pt 499:kiss and tell, type:drabble, c:gwaine, c:arthur

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