Carrying A Torch

Feb 19, 2022 14:09

Author: angelus2hot
Title: Carrying A Torch
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Merlin/Lancelot implied
Characters: Merlin, Gwen
Summary: Merlin has feelings for Lancelot
Warnings: Fluff
Word count: 250
Prompt: 493 torch
Author's Note: written for camelot_drabble

Merlin walked hurriedly towards the castle, between Arthur and Gaius he was being run ragged. At the sound of raucous laughter Merlin glanced over his shoulder, he stopped moving, almost stopped breathing his attention immediately captured by the joyous look on Lancelot's face. A whispered, "Oh." escaped on soft breath as he sighed. With his eyes still locked on the handsome knight Merlin began to walk towards the castle once more.

Gwen grabbed his arm to stop him before he could walk into the side of the building. "You really are carrying quite a torch for that knight, aren't you?" Her voice was whisper soft as she let go of his arm.

Merlin turned to face her, embarrassed to not only be caught staring at the knight but so lost in his thoughts he hadn’t even heard her approach him. “I.... um...”

It was all she could do to keep from laughing. “I wouldn’t wait too long to tell him if I were you.” Gwen glanced pointedly at the group of giggling women before she started walking away in the opposite direction. “Besides.” She called over her shoulder. “You might be surprised at what you find out.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Merlin asked as he gave one last longing filled look before he ran to catch up. His errands would have to wait, finding out Gwen’s meaning was much more important. As he ran after her he didn't see Lancelot watching him with a thoughtful look on his face.

p:lancelot/merlin, type:drabble, *c:angelus2hot, pt 493:torch, rating:pg-13

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