Clouds and Silverlinings (Chapter 10)

Jan 18, 2022 14:02

Author: ext_4137531
Title: Clouds and Silverlinings (Chapter 10)
Rating: G (some previous chapters are NC-17/R)
Pairing/s: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Uther Pendragon, Morgana
Summary: (Continuation of my Victorian AU WIP) Uther chats with Merlin and Arthur, whilst they sit uncomfortably. Glad he’s oblivious to their history.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,166
Prompt: #488 - Body Language
Author's Notes: Sorry for the bad summary. I haven't had the capacity to write anything outside of a fest for ages and I'd been meaning to get back to this story. Hoping to squeeze in a few more chapters if I can this year.

You can find the previous parts of this story on AO3 here (except chapter 9 which I forgot to upload, that's linked below but will be posted to AO3 when this chapter is).

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9

Uther smiled genially, wiping his mouth with his napkin.

“A marvellous meal. I must say, cook has outdone herself. Wouldn’t you agree, Arthur?”

“Um-” said Arthur, who hadn’t been focusing on a word his father had been saying. He’d been too uncomfortable, instead forcing himself to eat, lest it be noticed he wasn’t eating. “Yes, I agree.”

It was always a safe bet to say he agreed.

“I think,” said Uther, draining his glass, “that under the circumstances a little celebratory drink is in order. Arthur, Mr. Emrys, come with me. Goodnight, Morgana my dear.”

Morgana’s face tightened, her mouth momentarily a firm line, before she smiled again.

“Yes Father, goodnight. Goodnight, Arthur. And Mr. Emrys, I look forward to getting to know you better.”

Merlin shifted uneasily, fiddling with his cuff-links and running a finger around his shirt collar.

“Goodnight, Miss Pendragon,” he said politely.

Morgana stood and curtseyed before taking her leave.

“Excellent. Come with me, gentlemen. We have business to discuss.”

Merlin’s eyes widened as he glanced over at Arthur. Arthur was glad that Morgana wasn’t there to witness it.

“Of course, Father.”

Uther led them through a maze of corridors that Arthur knew well. Merlin kept glancing this way and that with wonder, though he did not stop this time. Arthur also found himself distracted as he stared at Merlin who looked so breathtaking in his new clothes that Arthur found himself desperate to kiss him.

He chided himself for his weakness, especially in the presence of his father.

Once inside Uther’s study, Merlin hung around him hesitantly. His body telegraphing quite clearly how uncomfortable and unsure he was with the situation.

“Do take a seat, both of you,” he said crossing the room, but gesturing to a sofa and armchair by the fire.

Arthur immediately headed for the sofa, yanking Merlin by his sleeve when he attempted to sit in his fathers’ armchair, the idiot.

Uther returned with Port and a packet of cigarettes on a tray which he placed on a table.

“Please, Mr. Emrys, help yourself,” he said kindly.

Merlin leaned forward, and took a glass. He hesitated again over the cigarettes, and Arthur hastened to help him.

He plucked one out of the packet, then offered it to Merlin. Hopefully he at least knew how to smoke. Otherwise this was likely to be quite unpleasant. Then he selected his own.

He raised his glass and felt in his suit jacket pocket for his lighter, engraved silver with the Pendragon crest.

“Thank you, Father,” he said, as he flicked the lighter open and offered it to Merlin.

Merlin leaned forward, with the cigarette pursed between his plush, all-too-kissable lips, his eyelashes fanning out on his porcelain skin, as he took a long draw on the cigarette to get it started.

Arthur swallowed and hastened to light his own cigarette.

Taking a seat in his armchair, Uther smiled at them both.

“Let me propose a toast,” he said. “To a beautiful portrait of Morgana.”

“To Morgana,” Merlin and Arthur both muttered before taking a sip of Port and then relaxing back on the sofa.

“So, Mr. Emrys. When do you think that you will be able to get started?”

Merlin startled a little, almost spilling his drink. He placed it on the table and licked his lips before replying.

“Oh, I intend to start immediately, if Miss. Pendragon is available?”

Uther waved his hand. “Yes, of course. Arthur, will make all the arrangements, so feel free to consult with him when you need Morgana to sit.”


“It’s only proper, Arthur. I will not have Morgana fraternising with an unfamiliar man.”

“Yes, Father.”

“Now, go and speak with Jonah and ask him to bring us some coffee.”

Arthur held back a sigh and got to his feet. “Of course, Father.”


Merlin watched as Arthur left the room, leaving him alone with the formidable Uther Pendragon. He thought he’d been nervous before. He was even more nervous now.

“Now, Mr. Emrys. I wanted a word with you about my daughter.”


“I want to make it crystal clear, no matter what happens. My daughter is strictly off limits,” he leaned forward menacingly. “I can make your life a living hell, should I so choose. Do I make myself clear?”

Merlin swallowed a lump in his throat.

“Yes, sir. I-I promise,” he said. “I have no interest in your daughter.” Technically the truth. “Not- Not that she’s not beautiful, because she is. It’s an honour to paint her. But I can assure you, I have way too much respect for her. And yourself.”

Uther sat back in his chair, grinning, all teeth.

“Good,” he said. “I’m glad we’ve cleared that up.”

The door clicked open and Arthur slipped through the door. He stood, poker-straight, as he looked between the two of them, as though he was trying to ascertain what had been said in his absence.

“Jonah will be in shortly,” Arthur said curtly.

“Come and sit down, Arthur. Don’t just stand there.”

Arthur looked over at Merlin hesitancy flitting over his face before it smoothed out to a haughty expression and he gave his father a nod.

He came over and sat next to Merlin, perching uneasily on the edge of the sofa as he picked up his drink.

“Now,” Uther continued. “Mr. Emrys, how did the pair of you meet?”

Merlin felt himself stiffen next to Arthur, who had just shifted to a more comfortable sitting position. He glanced over at Arthur, wondering what on earth he should say.

Arthur regarded him coolly, but though his body and face gave nothing away, his eyes betrayed his panic.

“Oh, um. We were introduced when Arth- Mr. Pendragon came to tea with the Earl and Miss. Gawant. I happened to be painting in the solarium.” Also not a lie.

Uther nodded his head, seemingly oblivious to how uncomfortable they both were.

“And you met the Earl how?”


“Father, I don’t think we really need to go into Merlin’s life history do we? He’s a painter. Not a suitor.”

Uther laughed. “You’re right, Arthur. I apologise. I was merely making conversation. Though I would be interested to hear more about whom Mr. Emrys trained with.”

Merlin leapt at the opportunity to change the subject and happily regaled the two Pendragons with how he came to be an artist and his master Gaius White, who happened to be an acquaintance of Uther’s. Fortunately, the conversation stayed along these lines. Discussing the various fashions in painting and the works of classic artists.

Once they’d finished their port and drank their coffee, and with a nightcap of brandy in their stomachs, Uther finally dismissed them for the night.

As soon as the door was closed. Merlin and Arthur looked at each other and both sighed with relief.

“I, um… I guess you’ll let me know in the morning about when Morgana will be available?” Merlin asked.

Arthur nodded. “Of course. Goodnight, Mer-Mr. Emrys.”

“Goodnight, sir.”

c:merlin, rating:g, p:arthur/merlin, c:uther, pt 488:body language, type:drabble, c:morgana, c:arthur

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