I made a solemn promise to extend kind gestures towards myself. (The original plan was to cut myself some slack, but I thought that had already been done and some more of it was not a good idea.) So I ordered
this from etsy yesterday afternoon.
Seeing this on my cellphone every morning might keep my mood bouyant; if not for hours, a one-second squee moment would suffice; like a spark, a firework. It might not be true, but I keep thinking if I see a Spock at least once everyday, my perception of a cruel world would be marginally altered. Spock remains one of the few things in this universe I feel very keenly for and relate to on an occasional basis. He is essentially the reason I still watch ST: TOS/reboot even though my homework is piling up and I have friends with whom I feel an obligation to go out with but I don't due to pressing commitments. Star Trek is close to a lifeline.
Lady Gaga is trying to prove at times, I do not fully grasp anything apart from the fact of it being sexually-explicit on purpose. And it makes waves on the grapevine; waves like ripples seem to be everything I get these days, serving no other purpose than passing topics in the corridors or while going up to level 3 for Chemistry practical or an alternative to sitting in the canteen staring wordlessly at a friend. Being in this new, partially-conservative (?) environment, it helps that some people share the same sentiments (thank you Sivam). Her videos are horrendous, this is not how I envisaged art to be (if media is indeed an artform). What is wrong with this world?
I noticed I feel in my own skin more often with some people than others. With these people on some days I have to keep myself from blabbering. It's a little frightening, but comforting to know I have an cosy area, quite like an active site, that I fit snugly into.
I received some books in church today. Thought Chocolat was a classic worth reading that had somehow slipped through my reads list. Sbout witches and priests; what an irony. Sophia thought the selection was strange (they were for Mother) and for the rest in the pile I flipped through the first book and 'tips on a healthy sex life' showed up (from a book on women's health). Abandoned the pile; am a happy scavenger.
Kicked the vacuum cleaner by mistake during household chores today and made one of my toes bleed. It's still throbbing in a sore manner.
Watching Glee. I like Kurt. He constantly has an expression of o__o, and he is a self-confessed gay, but I do not care.