Apr 26, 2004 20:49
Well I must say, although I am still wondering who the anonymous person who replied to the first illicit message is, the 4 comments have been totally rad dude....(never again).
After school happened to be slighty interesting, I decided to stop slacking, and go and REALLY work out, my oh my, had I forgot about the 'umph' that goes into that. When your arms go numb, I think your body is like "Whoa now partner, you need to stop." I'm a bad listener....and will pay for it tomorrow.
The night however has been pretty un-fullfilling so far, aside from our numerous acts to try to enter into the locked church basketball facility, so we could make pinatas, and then proceed to play basketball against the team of pinatas. The greatest attempt was when a friend by the alias of Jim-Diesel was planning on swindiling the high-ranking officials of the church, by telling them he wanted christ in his life, and to do so, he needed to enter the gymnasium alone, and have a key to it. This attempt was an attempt only, failing is an honorable act sometimes.
As exciting as the previous may have been to some people....we're moving on.
You know, inspiration is a baffiling subject, everyones like "I need some inspiration, but I don't know where to look." Earlier tonight I fell prisoner to this group of 'everyone'. Well I figured I'm off the wall, let's go off-the-walling here. So I looked in obvious places for inspiration towards my journaling effort. This inspiration finally came when looking the the little lemon guy from the first post...
What's so wrong with lemons?
I mean everyone is like "Oh they're as sour as a lemon," and when Tommy goes and tells Rasheef to go eat a lemon for a dollar, he's probably objecting, "Oh no man, it's too sour". Don't you people like lemonade anymore? This is just a minor example that goes to show you how we treat some of the things that seem horrible, but lead to great things like we wish they didn't exist.
Fine, you all don't like lemons, we'll get rid of them all, then what are YOU going to do when you want some lemonade, exactly, but no it's too horrible when it's not put into the glamorous form of lemonade.
Moral of the journal: The stuff that looks or is bad, isn't always that way, it can change, don't pass something by, that you might want later on, cause things change, even the most sour things can have a sweet form, that everyone loves, take that time to find it, or you lose out.