I've seen the future, brother, and it is murder

Jun 11, 2010 15:08

 I don't know what I'm gonna do. Here's how my schedule for next semester currently looks:

1:30 p.m. - 2:20 p.m. Creative Writing, Narrative
2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m. United States, 1900-1945

11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. English Literature I
2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Acting Level One

Senior Capstone - Traditional

1. I have to take one more English elective for my English major, and Creative Writing, Narrative is an elective I'd want to take no matter what.
2. I have to take a 300-400 level history course for J/MC, and American history is "where it's at," as the kids say.
3. English Literature I is a core requirement for English majors. It also conflicts with the only open honors seminar this semester.
4. Acting Level One is a straightup for-fun elective. I think my taking the class could help my chances for getting a good part in Dracula in the fall. Theater, after all, is politics.
5. Capstone. Gotta happen sometime, and I'm not going to do it spring semester during English comps.

I've spent much of this summer wondering if I should just get out of English. I don't like "the Canon." I find it arbitrary, and I think much of the writing found in it isn't that good. Yes, I understand wordiness used to be big. If your story is good, good. Don't bog me down with two-page paragraphs. But I love to read. And a good grounding in literary history can give me a large pool of references to draw on in writing and in life.

If I want to graduate with an honors degree, I must take two more honors seminars. Two are offered in the fall. One is full. The other conflicts with Eng Lit I. I would have to take "Honors Project," a three-credit course, next semester if I want to even consider graduating with honors. Then I'd have to take two honors courses in the spring. Whichever two they offer.

Even if I dropped my English major and picked up Special Topics: Homer and the honors project course. That's 18 credits, including two major projects. Not to mention the play, the BV, and the horror movie I forgot I said I'd be in (assuming that happens).

The Easy Path: Drop the honors program. The honors seminar I wanted to take this semester, Cinema and Religion, is full anyway. I'd graduate with journalism and English degrees.

The Easier Path: Drop the honors program AND the English major. Forsake Eng Lit I and take something I like, maybe feature writing or another interesting elective.

The Medium Path: Drop the English major and keep the honors program. Bite the bullet, take a class on Homer and start work on an honors project. What honors project? No clue.

The Path of Certain Death: Keep the English major and the honors program. Begin work on an honors project and my journalism capstone in the fall. In the spring, take the English comps, finish the honors project, deal with Clare forum and take whatever two honors seminars they throw at me. And continue to copy edit for the BV. And probably be in the play. And breathe.

I have some decisions to make. It's hard to discern whether or not I lean towards paths based on their difficulty -- either fear of failure or over-puffed bravado -- or their helpfulness and interest to me.
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