Let's see how that post-grad to-do list is coming along...
Dog portrait
Wash donation blanket
Make thrift store box
Call the junk trunk
Recycle (so, so much recycling)
Wash the walls
Vacuum office
Make thank you cards
Mail thank you cards
Join Alberta Craft Council
Stampede entry ideation
Website updates
Facebook updates
Spaaaaace horse short story submission
Thunder as an MLP
At least nothing new has been added to it? I will probably call the junk truck at the end of the month since some things haven't found new homes.
I will be dropping off a bag of leftover weaving supplies to the fibre program such as cones of cotton I never used and leftover wool. Regrettably, I let the wool get tangled, preferring to give the skeins a haircut whenever I needed a bit of yarn. This is a bad, bad, bad thing to do. A moment's convenience will need hours to fix :-D
I ventured into making a couple of videos for Instagram. My IG photos get poop numbers, but dang, my knitting machine video has netted almost 3000 views and maybe my thing will be winding yarn.
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A post shared by Christine 🦄 🐦🌈🍁 (@calzephyr77)