DOCTOR WHO Amy Pond/Rory Williams, Letti a castello
GAME OF THRONES Arya Stark/Jaqen H'ghar, Underage
GAME OF THRONES Brienne Di Tarth/Jaime Lannister, Prima volta
GAME OF THRONES Daenerys Targaryen/Viserys Targaryen, Fragole, pre-serie
GAME OF THRONES Robb Stark/Theon Greyjoy, King of the North
GAME OF THRONES Sandor Clegane /Sansa Stark, vestiti strappati
GLEE Quinn Fabray/Rachel Berry, Like chocolate and bacon
HARRY POTTER Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, latte e biscotti
ONCE UPON A TIME Aurora/Mulan, "Have you ever done this before?"
ONCE UPON A TIME Belle/Rumpelstlskin, Prima volta
ORIGINAL F/F, "Ho un continuo, disperato bisogno di te."
SHERLOCK BBC John Watson/Sebastian Moran, "Respirare è diventato noioso."
GLEE Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, prostitute!AU
Walking down the streetGAME OF THRONES Jon Snow/Ygritte, Riscaldarsi
Sulla tua pelleGAME OF THRONES Daenerys Targaryen/Viserys Targaryen, Sogno
Nei suoi sogniGLEE David Karofsky/Kurt Hummel, La prima volta di Kurt
Thank you for the musicSHERLOCK BBC John Watson/Sherlock Holmes, Consuetudine
Ogni maledetta domenica 5/15
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