Yeah...okay...THE Story Progress List (Updated)

Jul 12, 2009 22:06

No, I have not been in hibernation, although that would be positively lovely...*sigh*.  It has occurred to me, several times, that I've been, well dormant-appearing as far as my writing, and I am staring with terror into the very pit that has claimed my creativity so many times in the past: procrastination and my damned propensity to get devilishly ( Read more... )

fic, progress list

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Comments 11

chephren July 13 2009, 19:08:07 UTC
So, babe, I think I may have pinpointed your problem... give the Muse somewhere more comfortable to be held hostage aside from your basement?? XDD

You are doing just fine... and thank you for posting the list.


calvi_sama July 14 2009, 01:54:15 UTC
Yeeeeaaaaaah, that makes sense. You know she has been kinda bitchy lately *winces*, not that I blame her, man what was I THINKING?! Stickin her down there *urg*. Yep, I think new digs are in order XD.

Hey, thanks. It is kinda pretty though aint it? Its funny how something so insignificant can give you a little feeling of accomplishment. Huh.

*then gets sidetracked and points at avatar* kidders!! So cooot!! *squishies the babies*


sphinxofthenile July 14 2009, 16:24:36 UTC
I seriously envy the shortness of your list. XD


calvi_sama July 15 2009, 06:43:55 UTC
*blushes* thanks...I think ;)

It may be short...and pretty (can't seem to let that one go XD), but it still intimidates me a little. You're lookin' at one of the WORST people at finishing anything. I was telling a friend of mine that I've been writers blocked for as long as three years (I think) on an original fic of mine o.O. Maybe I shouldn't have admitted that *twitches*. But I hasten to assure that that will NOT be the case here, as I am just having too much fun playing with the boys *winks*, and I'd like to think that I've growed up enough and gathered the fragments of my scattered brain to be able to follow through with projects now.

Oh...and I like your avatar BTW, cutey-cute!!


sphinxofthenile July 16 2009, 16:32:11 UTC
LOL, tell me about it not finishing stuff. I think I have about 50 stories in the works and a good few multichapters I kind of already gave up on. >_>

Btw, meant to ask if the cat on your icon is your cat.


calvi_sama July 17 2009, 02:19:35 UTC
*eeks* Fifty stories!! *is in awe* And here I thought I was one of the few with an overactive imagination, constantly throwing ideas at me and daring me to write them down...before it "conveniently" forgets them =P ( ... )


madisuzy January 25 2010, 09:48:57 UTC
awe you remembered my vin the virgin story! I don't mind the wait...after all, i'm not going anywhere. I love ya babe.


calvi_sama January 25 2010, 23:39:38 UTC
Of course I didn't forget!! *cheesy grin* How could I? And it'll get done even if I have to do it by myself, but as you can see I...have soooooo much to do *cries and headdesks*. I'm glad you've got "stickin' power" 'cause you may have to "stick" for a bit until it gets done. Lova ya too *mucho big hugs*


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