Yeah...okay...THE Story Progress List (Updated)

Jul 12, 2009 22:06

No, I have not been in hibernation, although that would be positively lovely...*sigh*.  It has occurred to me, several times, that I've been, well dormant-appearing as far as my writing, and I am staring with terror into the very pit that has claimed my creativity so many times in the past: procrastination and my damned propensity to get devilishly side-tracked...the Real Life variable goes without saying of course.  Maybe if I had it in writing in front of my face?  Right then...

So let's see if this making-a-list thing works...

* Pushed To Forgiveness
* Out of the Closet
* Out of the Closet II
* Out of the Closet III
* Out of the Closet IV: The Morning After (completed) - Just adding a quick scene and makin' some tweaks then off to beta!
* Tattered Photographs (Yazoo's Past)  - written for Schwaerze (for the OoTC Yazoo)
* May I Help You, Sir? (Seph x Yazoo) (filming) - written for superkalifragi
* Quiet Confessions - (Cid/Vincent) co-authored with silence_laughs
* Beasts of Passion- (Sephiroth/Genesis) co-authored with silence_laughs
* Watch Your Step (completed) - Vincent/Genesis co-authored with silence_laughs
* Prelude to Perfection (completed) - (Cid x Vincent) co-authored with silence_laughs
* Perfection (filming) - (Cid x Vincent) co-authored with silence_laughs **ON HIATUS**
* Perfection Purloined (pre-production) - (Cid x Vincent) co-authored with silence_laughs **ON HIATUS**
* (Untitled) (pre-production) - (Vincent x OC) co-authored with silence_laughs and written for madisuzy entailing Vincent's "first time" **ON HIATUS**
* Ghosts - (Vincent x Lucrecia; Vincent x Hojo; Vincent x Cid) - first person "one-shot" 
* Midgar Burning (filming) - (Cid x Vincent) - a multi-chapter, novel-form AU co-authored with silence_laughs
* Wherever You Will Go - (Vincent x Laguna crossover) - co-authored with madisuzy
* Salvaged Fate Triology:  Fratured (completed) - (Vincent x Tseng) co-authored with madisuzy
* Salvaged Fate Triology: Broken (filming) - (Vincent x Tseng) co-authored with madisuzy
* Salvaged Fate Triology: Bound (pre-production) - (Vincent x Tseng) co-authored with madisuzy
* (Untitled) (concept stage) - (Cid x Vincent) - an independent, multi-chapter AU featuring Vincent and cast

Now then, I have my nifty (sadly short) *GROWING* list in front of me, all I have to do is rope that damn muse and get her to cooperate (the feisty minx has escaped my basement AGAIN!).  At this point I'm gonna beg people to be paitent if they're waiting on any of these fics...I'm tryin'!  I haven't forgotten, I promise!!!

Oh yeah, and if anyone actually reads this: guys, STOVES ARE HOT!!!! Do NOT touch them with your bare hands *blows on fingers*.

fic, progress list

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