I Don't Get It

Jun 23, 2009 00:43

Maybe someone can explain it to me.  Why are people so cruel to each other?  I'm not talking about the big issues like race, religion, etc.  I get that.  I'm talking about adults...in a professional environment...who preach teamwork.  Adults who harass and bully, going seemingly out of their way to make someone feel like a worthless pile of shit.  Adults who say (in not so many words as tone and actions) everyone is a part of the team but you.  *sigh*  I don't get it, and I really wish that someone would have warned me in high school that unless you bust your ass and get the education in college to go into a profession where you were higher up on the food chain, then you're doomed to be trapped in the high school environment.  Shit, had I known then, in college, what I know now I would have worked my ass off!!!  But on the flip side of that, I probably wouldn't have believed it if I had been told *scowls*.

Now It could be me but, I don't think that a job should make you work to think of reasons to live.

So if you're one of those individuals who loves their job and can't wait to get back to work, then count your blessings and give thanks every damn day 'cause the alternative sucks!  *dejectedly* And I'm truly sorry if I drug anyone down with my self-pity over my slow soul-death *curls up in a corner and cries*

okay, someone better either throw me some cheese or put me back in the tube

I HATE Mondays...
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