rec: never ever been, by honeynoir

May 25, 2012 11:30

Story: Never Ever Been
Author: honeynoir
Rating: All Ages
Word Count: 565
Author's Summary: 'You have saved so many things, tucked them away.' Idris/Doctor. Spoilers for 6x04.
Characters/Pairings: The TARDIS
Warnings: As noted, spoilers for "The Doctor's Wife"
Recced because: It's a story written from the TARDIS' point of view during "The Doctor's Wife," and it's as mad and wonderful as the TARDIS herself.

He has a face. It’s different seeing it with eyes. The others have faces as well (you once made them a bed with a ladder, but you never really thought about their faces). You’d like to see more faces; six don’t seem like very many. You haven’t even seen your own (prodding at it with the fingers wasn’t as enlightening as you’d assumed it would be).

pairing:11/idris, author: honeynoir, character: tardis, reccer: dbskyler, type: gen, doctor:11, rating: all ages, character: idris

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