Seven Days in a Year that Never Was Author: Ebbyzone
Rating: All Ages - One story rated Adult
Word Count: 14,932
Author's Summary: Seven days in the life of Martha Jones during the year she walked the Earth for the Doctor.
Characters/Pairings: Martha Jones, Tenth Doctor, others
Warnings: None
Recced because:
I'm starting with the longest one. It’s somewhat unusual to rec a series, but these stories could easily just have been chapters in one story, so I decided to go for it. I really like how Ebbyzone describes some of the moments Martha had during the YTNW when she wasn’t actively running for her life. Martha’s memories of happier times with her family are what I imagine she would have thought about a lot during her travels, both because she was worried about them, and because it gives her strength to remember what normal feels like. There are mild spoilers for the novel “The Story of Martha” in this, but to be honest that book disappointed me a little. These stories didn’t.