Fade Away Author:
Pitry Rating: All Ages
Word Count: 3411
Author's Summary: It was supposed to be different this time. He's human, he can't regenerate - he was supposed to die before her.
Characters/Pairings: Jackie Tyler, Pete Tyler, The Doctor (Duplicate 10th)
Warnings: None
Recced because: I wanted to rec something from the classic series, and very nearly did, when i stumbled across this piece. It's lovely and haunting and the style Pitry (the author) uses allows the story to have an emotional impact outside of the sequence of events inside the story, which stops it from, sinking to morose or melodramatic levels of emotion. It's a beautiful story that I didn't want to risk it not being shared until my next turn reccing.
In the end, I guess I did lie to you guys, as these recs were mostly newer series with classic touches thrown in; for that I apologise. However, I do hope you enjoyed my recs even half as much as I enjoyed reccing them and I PROMISE next time will have more classic tales. Until we meet again!