Just finished watching Fringe. And yes after years of resisting the Jackson, I'm just drawn to him like a moth to a very hot flame.
So I watched it with a little apprehension seeing as how there were mixed reviews. But like a high quality product stamp, the Abrams name still means something and he does deliver. Unlike a certain Mr Rob Thomas whose involvement in 90210 forced me to watch it, desperately hoping it would deliver the goods. Alas none were delivered and I wanted those 2 hours of my life back. Plus a spork to erase the memory.
To the haters who say that it all looks very similar (i.e like Lost, Alias, X-Files or insert-conspiracy-theory-show-here.) you must understand that this is what he does. What he does better than no one else in the known universe. And I'm sorry but if you were watching to see the reincarnation of Spongebob Squarepants then you should switch the channel.
As for me, I'm tuning is regularly cos I love a good conspiracy. Why yes, I'm nutty. Thanks for noticing...
Now I can't wait to see what Joss Whedon delivers with Dollhouse...