ahh last day at Dragon Con...wahhh!
We actually didn't move very fast sunday morning. We did get there a little
before 10am. Shopped a little in the Hilton for some gifts for people
back home. I did run into Kaung again in Summer Glau's line when I
entered the walk of fame. I ran into him and his girlfriend what Kaung 2
more times after that? LOL! I barely saw you last year, then I see
you everywhere this year, too funny!
11:00 was my last photoshoot with Michael. He was doing a joint shoot
with Ben Browder first.
I thought this was just a funny pic of Ben with fan and whatever
this thing is from Farscape.
When we got into the room, Ben was still there. Apparently he had lost
something. I think his wallet? but he was looking everywhere. He smiled
real big at me when he went by me which made me happy!
Then I got to Michael. LOL! he said "hello again."
I asked him if we could do something fun and he repeated
something fun... what? I said I don't know! and he was like
you want to do something fun but you don't know what? I was like uh, yeah.
LOL. He then asked me 'what did we do last time?' I thought he meant
in Chicago so I said 'you kneeled I was behind you....' The next thing
I know he's moving slightly behind me and I"m thinking he's going to do
the choking thing I saw him do with another fan then the next thing I know
I'm dropping towards the floor. He dipped me! Roflmao! i wasn't expecting
that at all. Luv the pic though, Michael's face is hilarious.
I told him thank you and giggled and left.I actually went back to a couple of tables I had
visited in the walk of fame. I went back to Marc Singer's first and
told him I came back cause I could not leave without a Beastmaster signed pic. I also said
to Marc, thank you so much, you made my childhood. Which he really had, what with Beastmaster
and V forever bringing me over to Scifi,,,if Star Wars hadn't already done so!
He gave me a big hug and said thank you and I said 'I love you' and he said 'I love you too'
I choked up and almost started crying. LOL how much of a dork am I? But I really adore
the guy and have since I was 11 or so...
I went back to Corin's table telling him I had 'shamelessly come back for another pic.
I got one, and another great hug! *swoon*
William B. Davis was our next stop. I got a pic of signed for my friend.
He remembered me from the day before! Hubby wanted a pic with him :) So he
kindly obliged.
I did go back into Michael's line and got him to sign the picture above.
I was like 'yeah it's me again. I promise after this time I'll go away!' He said, 'oh
you're fine!' He wanted to know if I wanted hhim to write something about hubby
on the pic. I stupidly said no. Regret that now cause it would have been hilarious.
He signed and said thanks so much and thanks for coming , grinned at him like and
idiot then left LOL. bye Michael! *sobs*
Paul Mcgillion's line wasn't too bad. We wanted to get our picture taken with him
and the handler actually gave us a deal for 2 autographs and two pictures. We took it!
Paul was just wonderful! Hubby told him we just got married and he looked at my ring and
told hubby he did good! He also told us he was getting married himself soon! My picture with
him was totally swoon worthy. He squeezed the heck outta me!
Actually, we were right beside the men's bathroom. LOL. which was very near where they were
serving lunch at one little place... lookie at who was in line behind me,
cancerman!! Like I said, he just kept this wonderful smile on his face and
was smiling all through that lunch line. I told hubby to snap a pic of me
so we weren't so obvious. I couldn't resist!
Larry Hagman swaggered past with his JR hat on (least I think so! he was wearing
the airforce hat the day before) No one bothered him. Not so sure anyone recognized him.
Funny thing, shortly after Ben Browder walked by going into the bathroom and my hubby
followed him. (Not on purpose) Hubby came back first and then I saw Ben going by and
I couldn't help it, I did the same thing I'd done to Claudia the year before. I yelled,
"I love you Ben!' He like did a doubletake, stopped and was like what? where? so I waved at him
and he grinned and said 'oh hi!' I said 'we met you last year' and Ben was like trying to
remember us, he asked me my name. It was so sweet. He thanked us for coming and shook my hand and went back to the autograph room.
I remember getting lunch next and being like do I need to wash my hands or did Ben
wash his? Hubby was like 'no, I saw him wash his hands really good," lol! I actually,
not thinking about it licked that hand while I was eating.. ok laugh! how many of you
squee at the thought of licking your hand after Ben's was where it had been! *gigglesnort*
I wandered around with Misty while she got a couple of autographs. I took the
opportunity to stare at some of my fav stars like Kevin Sorbo and Morena Baccarin(sp?).
I love just looking around at everything going on in the walk of fame. Boy does that
room get full fast! After I checked the price with his handler, Misty and I decided
to go back to Garret Wang and get our picture taken with him... I'm not sure who
started the singing while we were waiting on him (I think it was Robert Beltran)
but they both got to singing at the same time. Soo funny and cute! Garrett is
just such a nice guy. We had to get someone else to take the picture cause his
handler wasn't there and he was hollering at people asking someone to take the
picture. Too bad Robert Beltran didn't do it! It was funny Garrett let the lady
who stopped take one pic then he was like , 'now come on,get closer, get the faces."
too cute!
He also got my camera afterwords and was wanting to see the picture. I had to show
him how to find it and he said "look at those beautiful people!"
Lovely man and a total sweetheart!
Another person Misty visited that I was also a fan of was J.G. Herztler.
He's done Star Trek which is the autograph she got. But I'm a fan of
the 90's Zorro series with Ducan Regehr. I have no clue what all we talked
about because we talked to him forever. Misty mentioned Savannah where he's
from too. I did ask him how long he was in Spain and he told me I think 2 summers and
said somethign about his character De Soto and in the process did his infamous
"Mendoza!" growl/yell. Absolutely loved it. For the Zorro fans, not sure if I was
supposed to do this but I did say "I bet alot of fans are telling you they're happy
about the release of the DVD and he was like what? which DVd what release? He had
not heard a thing about it and said yes that they were planning to release the
Zorro series on DVD I thought in December and that they had pulled down all the
vids on youtube. He was very surprised and very pleased. He did say he had no
clue who owned the rights now. Mr. Herztler told him he was definately going to
check up on this and told me a name of someone (which totally escapes me) that
he was going to call... I had run out of money by this point and really could
kick myself for not getting at least a pic with him. He looked great. T hough it
was a bit hard to see all of him behind his huge hat and sunglasses. There were
no Alcalde De Soto pix on the table which surprised me. I didn't want him to
sign a Star Trek pic for me if I had had the money left...
Some extra pix from the con:
Lori and I again :)
a con goer's room... *giggle* I"ll never tell whose!!!!
Misty and I saying goodbye:
that's all she wrote folks :)